Top WGU Scholarships for Students

The WGU scholarship program provides students with a variety of scholarships to attend. The WGU scholarship program provides financial assistance to students from all backgrounds who wish to attend the university. Full-time and part-time students can apply for scholarships, which can be used at any of the school’s locations.

Scholarships are awarded based on a variety of criteria, including academic performance, financial need, and extracurricular involvement. Students must apply for new scholarships each year, and not all scholarships are guaranteed to be awarded.

To be eligible for a WGU scholarship, applicants must apply online or download an application form from the website.

Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended, as well as letters of recommendation from teachers or college officials, must be included with applications.

WGU provides both merit and need-based scholarships. Scholarships are based on merit.

About Western Governors University

WGU is an accredited, low-cost online university with an innovative competency-based approach that is entirely focused on serving students. The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) has accredited WGU. The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) has granted accreditation to the WGU College of Business.

WGU is the first university to offer competency-based bachelor’s and master’s degrees, with online courses designed in collaboration with leading employers. Simply put, WGU degree programs assess skills and learning rather than classroom time. Students advance through courses as soon as they can demonstrate mastery of the material, rather than waiting until the semester or term is over.

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WGU Scholarships for Teachers

The following are the top WGU Scholarships for Teachers

1. K-12 Partner Scholarship

The men and women who work in America’s K–12 schools and districts do crucial work, building strong futures for millions of young Americans—and for society as a whole. WGU is proud to partner with a number of K–12 entities to provide employees with opportunities to go back for a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

Working in K–12, you know the value of education. Earning your degree isn’t just good for your career and your résumé; it’s invaluable for the students and communities you serve. Thanks to the WGU K–12 Partner Scholarship, a highly respected degree from the nation’s #1 university for quality and value in teacher education (according to the National Council on Teacher Quality) is well within reach!

2. Become a Teacher Scholarship

The WGU Become a Teacher Scholarship is worth up to $4,000 and can be applied to any of WGU’s Teachers College degree programs leading to teacher certification. At WGU, you finish courses as soon as you can demonstrate mastery of the material, allowing you to graduate faster—and because tuition is paid per term rather than per credit or course, graduating faster can save you both time and money. You’ll also benefit from hands-on, in-classroom observation and student teaching opportunities at a nearby school. WGU will assist you in arranging this in-class experience, which our graduates consistently praise as invaluable in preparing them to lead their own classrooms. This scholarship includes a $1,500 stipend to be used towards this demonstration teaching.

3. WGU Loves Teachers Scholarship

Teachers and aspiring teachers are encouraged to apply for the WGU Loves Teachers Scholarship. This opportunity is intended for prospective teachers who want to earn their teacher certification as well as current educators who want to advance their careers. These $4,000 scholarships are intended to help current teachers improve their skill set in the classroom or move into administration, as well as to assist aspiring teachers in obtaining the necessary credentials for a rewarding career as an educator.

WGU Scholarships for Tech Professionals

Here we go with WGU Scholarships for Tech Professionals;

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WGU Cybersecurity Scholarship

The WGU Cybersecurity Scholarship is worth up to $5,000 and can be applied to WGU’s already low tuition for a master’s or bachelor’s degree program in cybersecurity. Learn the skills and credentials you’ll need to launch a successful career in cybersecurity. And you can do it on your own time, with 24/7 access to study materials, tests, and assessments—fast-tracking through material you already know well so you can devote more time to mastering new skills.

Code Your Own Path Scholarship

The Code Your Own Path Scholarship is worth up to $5,000 and can be applied to any of WGU’s College of Information Technology degree programs. Every day, technology rewrites our future. Allow it to rewrite yours with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in IT—and industry certifications earned along the way at no extra cost!

Dominion Energy Scholarship

More professionals are needed to keep the energy industry well-staffed and efficient as technology continues to expand and adapt. WGU is pleased to collaborate with Dominion Energy to assist students in obtaining the business or information technology degrees required to advance their careers. The $2,500 Dominion Energy Scholarship is open to all Utah and Southwest Wyoming residents who are entering or returning students in any of WGU’s IT or business bachelor’s or master’s degree programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are WGU scholarships awarded?
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This is, however, a competitive program, and scholarships will be awarded based on a candidate’s academic record, financial need, readiness for online study at WGU, and current competency, among other factors.

Does WGU accept scholarships?

WGU maintains a robust scholarship program for qualified students thanks to the generosity of numerous corporations and foundations, as well as special federal government appropriations.

How long does it take to get a scholarship from WGU?

Because we start new students in their programs every month, WGU evaluates scholarship applications on a continuous basis. We can usually make a decision within 8-10 weeks of receiving your application. You must also have applied for admission to the university and been accepted.

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