Wellesley College Acceptance Rate | Requirements, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA, & Admissions

Find the solutions to any of your inquiries about the Wellesley College acceptance rate. 

For many students, Wellesley College is the finest option. Additionally, the Wellesley College acceptance rate is competitive.

College can frequently spark a lot of ideas and questions. This essay has been put together to assist you to decide and to provide answers to many of your queries. 

Continue reading to learn more about the Wellesley College acceptance rate and ranking. 

To gain a complete overview of the topic, see the table of contents. You are free to jump to the section where you want to learn more first.

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What to know about Wellesley College?

In Wellesley, Massachusetts, there is a historically female liberal arts college called Wellesley College. Additionally, it belongs to the original group of Seven Sisters Institutions. 

On the list of National Liberal Arts Colleges published by U.S. News and World Report, the college is currently ranked fifth. Additionally, it is recognized as one of the top liberal arts colleges in the US. 

Wellesley College became a private institution in 1870. It features about 2,300 students undergraduate enrolment overall. 500 acres currently make up the college campus. 

In particular, Wellesley is now renowned for producing thousands of talented women. Wellesley College has produced a large number of very intellectual women during the previous century.

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What is the Wellesley College Acceptance Rate? 

The admittance rate at Wellesley College is extremely low. This is a crucial sign of how difficult it may be to get into a college. 

However, only 20% of applicants are accepted to Wellesley College. This suggests that, out of every 100 applications, only 20 students are typically accepted. 

For Wellesley College admissions officers, your GPA is a crucial academic factor. Also given serious consideration are letters of recommendation. 

In addition, the admittance rate at Wellesley is around 20%. The lowest acceptance rate in Massachusetts is ranked eighth as a result.

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Is Wellesley College hard to get into? 

At Wellesley, acceptance rates are 20%. In terms of the lowest acceptance rate, it comes in at #54 nationally and #9 in Massachusetts. 

However, Wellesley has an extremely low acceptance rate for average applicants and is a very difficult institution to get into. Out of 6,581 applications, 1,343 were accepted the previous year. 

The institution has extremely high SAT and ACT admission requirements, typically admitting students with scores in the top 6% (SAT 1350/1520, ACT 31/34). 

In addition, “A-” average high school students with a 3.86 average GPA are accepted by and drawn to Wellesley College. 

Furthermore, the majority of entering freshmen finish in the top ten percent of their class in high school. Of those accepted, 43% opted to enroll in the university.

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Does Wellesley College Require Test Scores?

Each and every applicant must submit their SAT or ACT scores to Wellesley College. 72% of accepted students who were in the admissions cycle for 2018–19 submitted their SAT results. 

SAT Requirements

According to the admissions data, the majority of Wellesley’s accepted students scored in the top 20% nationwide on the SAT. 

50% of applicants to Wellesley College received scores for the evidence-based reading and writing portion between 680 and 750, while 25% had scores below 680 and 25% received scores over 750. 

50% of admitted students received math scores between 680 and 780, 25% received math scores below 680, and 25% received math scores over 780. 

A composite SAT score of 1530 or higher will put applicants in a particularly competitive position at Wellesley.

The optional SAT essay component and SAT Subject tests are not required for admission to Wellesley. 

Keep in mind that Wellesley participates in the score choice program, so the admissions office will take into account the best score you obtained on any section of the SAT across all test dates.

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ACT Requirements 

Each and every applicant must submit their SAT or ACT scores to Wellesley College. 38% of accepted students who were in the admissions cycle for 2018–19 reported their ACT scores. 

According to the admissions data, the majority of Wellesley’s accepted students scored in the top 5% nationwide on the ACT. 

However, 25% of those admitted to Wellesley had ACT composite scores over 34, and 25% had ACT composite scores below 31, with the middle 50% of those admitted having between 31 and 34. 

Because Wellesley College takes part in the score choice program, the admissions office will take into account your top score from each section on all ACT test dates. 

The ACT writing part is not necessary for admission to Wellesley.

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wellesley college GPA requirements

To get into Wellesley, applicants must have extraordinary marks. 

According to the average high school GPA of the admitted freshmen class at Wellesley College, which was 3.86 on a 4.0 scale, the majority of A- students are selected for admission and enrolment. 

In Massachusetts, the school with the highest average GPA is ranked #12. 

Because Wellesley is a very selective institution, meeting these GPA standards alone will not be enough to secure admission.

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What are the Admission Requirements for Wellesley College? 

A good place to start is by reading the Wellesley entrance requirements. There are three crucial statistics that must be met in order to get admitted to Wellesley. 

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The minimum prerequisite for admission to Wellesley is your GPA. The other two are SAT or ACT scores. 

Wellesley College has a low acceptance rate, making admission there extremely hard. 

You might just be allowed to submit an application if you meet the minimum GPA, SAT, or ACT requirements. To be competitive, you’ll frequently require more than the bare minimum. 

Additionally, we’ve gathered some averages from Wellesley students who have already been accepted. They had an average SAT score of between 1350 and 1520. While the ACT scores ranged from 31 to 34 on average. 

Wellesley normally has an application deadline of approximately January 8.

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How to Apply to Wellesley College

The application

You must select a decision plan for each institution you apply to when you start your application. 

Use your legal name consistently throughout all of your application materials (as it appears on your passport or other legal documents). 

Although it may seem obvious, this is crucial! If you go by another name, make sure to indicate it on the application as your “preferred name” so that they know who to contact when they need to.

The essays

You can select one of the topics listed below for your personal essay, or you can write about a subject of your choice. It should contain between 250 and 650 words. 

Common Application Essay questions;

Some students feel that their application would be completed without some aspect of their past, identity, interest, or talent. If this describes you, kindly share your experience. 

The lessons we learn from the challenges we face can be crucial to future success. Tell about a time when you had to overcome a difficulty, failure, or setback. How did it make you feel, and what did you take away from it?

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High school credentials

They need copies of your transcripts, the results of two teacher evaluations, and a School Report that your guidance counselor has done. The Common Application accepts these for online submission. 

The names of your counselor and two teachers can be entered and saved in the “School Forms” section after you have chosen your high school. 

They will receive instructions on how to submit the forms online or offline on paper through email. 

In case your credentials are lost, they will notify you. It is your duty to inquire about the status of any unreturned credentials and to confirm with the Office of Admission that they have really been received. 

You can check the progress of your credentials using your Wellesley Applicant Portal once they’ve received your application.

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Standardized tests

For a four-year review period, Wellesley College has temporarily paused its standardized exam requirement. It is not necessary for applicants to Wellesley for entry in 2021, 2022, 2023, or 2024 to submit their SAT or ACT test scores along with their applications. 

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They have the freedom to assess each applicant’s whole record in light of their available resources thanks to their comprehensive, committee-based application assessment process. 

Standardized tests have long been used as an objective indicator of college preparation, but this is just one of many variables that are taken into account throughout the admissions process.

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What are the Alternatives to Wellesley College?


In summary, Wellesley College might be the perfect fit for you. 

If you are competitive and desire to attend an all-female school, it would meet your personality and academic needs. 

Although Wellesley has a very low admission percentage, being accepted is not impossible. All of their requirements are simple for you to fulfill. So gather your supporting documentation and try your hardest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can trans males attend Wellesley? 

No. Wellesley is committed to its goal of educating women. It is not possible for men to apply to Wellesley. Admission is not permitted to those who identify as men despite being born with the gender of a woman. 

Wellesley, is it an excellent school? 

Yes, it’s undeniable that Wellesley is a top university. 
Wellesley College is ranked fifth among the National Liberal Arts Colleges. 
Based on how well schools perform on a few well-known excellence metrics, they are ranked. 
There are many positive attributes crammed into Wellesley College. It offers the optimum environment both intellectually and socially.

Is admission to Wellesley College difficult? 

Your credentials will have the biggest impact on your likelihood of admission to Wellesley College. Admission to Wellesley is 19.5 percent. With a low acceptance rate, it is clear how competitive the institution is. Technically speaking, this means that only 20 applications out of every 100 are accepted. 
Such low admission rates show how selective the school is. To pass their initial round of filters, it’s imperative to meet their GPA and SAT/ACT requirements. 

What is the reputation of Wellesley College? 

The quality of Wellesley’s curriculum is what makes it so well-known. It also stands out because of how lovely its surroundings are. In the United States, it is also frequently referred to as an all-female university.



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