The TIGER Master Excellence Scholarship at Aix-Marseille University

For prospective EU and foreign students who want to study in France, the 2022 Aix-Marseille University TIGER Master Excellence Scholarship for International Students are now available. The TIGER scholarship offers chosen students a stipend of 10,000 EUR, housing, and one-on-one mentoring throughout the study year.

In the list of the top 180 universities worldwide, the University of Aix-Marseille is rated #180. It is a centre of excellence for social and natural sciences on a global scale with 132 accredited research units and 21 faculties. The university contributes to the development of mobility and the building of the European region of education and research through its more than 500 foreign agreements.

Aix-Marseille University has put severalnumber of measures as part of the TIGER project (Transforming and Innovating in Graduate Education via Research), which is supported by the Plan d’Investissement d’Avenir of the French government. These new initiatives will be anchored by Aix-Marseille University’s institutes, which are the authentic manifestation of the university’s interdisciplinary component. Beginning with the academic year, the university will provide funding for qualified overseas students to join these organizations that combine teaching, innovation, and top-tier research.

Level/Field of Study

International student recruitment and mobility have become pillars of Aix-Marseille University’s internationalization strategy. As a result, it has established this innovative TIGER Master Excellence Scholarship program to support deserving students who want to enrol in the institution. 16 master’s programs will be allowed to provide these grants to their top overseas applicants as of the start of the next academic year.

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The TIGER Master Excellence Scholarship is strictly for postgraduate or master’s students at Aix-Marseille University that are admitted to study the following courses at the university.

  1. Master in Microbiology, Integrative and Fundamental Microbiology track
  2. Master of Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, Nanoscale and quantum engineering (NQE) / Nano-ingénierie et dispositifs quantiques (NDQ) track 
  3. Master of Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (co-accredited with the Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne – Campus de Gardanne), Chemical Nano-Engineering (CNE) track (ErasmusMundus) 
  4. Master of Physics, Europhotonics (ErasmusMundus)
  5. Master of Physics, FunPhys
  6. Master of Mechanics, Fluids and Solids 
  7. Master of Mathematics and Applications – Computer Science, Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics track
  8. Master of Integrative Biology and Physiology (BIP)
  9. Master of Public Health, Quantitative and Econometric Methods for Health Research (MQERS)
  10. Master of Public Health Societies Development (SPSD)
  11. Master’s degree in Archaeology, sciences for archaeology, Momarch course
  12. Master’s degree in geography, planning, environment and development: Geomatics and spatial modelling
  13. Master’s degree in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution (BEE), Biodiversity: functions and conservation course
  14. Master’s degree in Environmental Management, MAEVA course – Management of the Environment, Valuation and Analysis
  15. Master’s degree in Marine Sciences, a course in Biological Oceanography and Marine Ecology (OBEM)
  16. Master’s degree in Marine Sciences, Physical and Biogeochemical Oceanography (OPB)

Host Nationality

This scholarship is funded by the Plan d’Investissement d’Avenir of the French government for postgraduate students that gain admission to study for their masters in any of the specified fields of study.

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Eligibility for the TIGER Master Excellence Scholarship

To qualify for this TIGER Master Excellence Scholarship you need to meet the prerequisite and gain admission to study for a Master’s degree in any of the 16 courses listed above

Scholarship Award

For one academic year, Aix-Marseille University will provide funding up to €10,000.

If you complete the required steps in the allocated period, Aix-Marseille University will reserve a room for you in a CROUS university home.

Aix-Marseille University will assist you upon arrival in France and will offer you guidance throughout your stay.

Application Process

When you enrol for one of the master’s programs indicated above (through the Etudes en France or eCandidat platforms), the application for TIGER Master Excellence Scholarship is automatically submitted. You will learn if you have been chosen for the TIGER Excellence Scholarship along with your admission letter.
Prospective students should consult the website for the appropriate track and can get in touch with the academic head with any questions.

Please be aware that receiving the TIGER Master Excellence Scholarship does not absolve recipients from paying university tuition.
Please visit the page on tuition costs for non-EU students if you are a non-EU applicant.

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