Spelman College Acceptance Rate | Requirements, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA, & Admissions 

Here in this post, you will find every detail about the Spelman College acceptance rate, requirements, SAT/ACT scores, GPA scores, and admission status

The Spelman College acceptance rate is the first thing to consider if you want to enroll at Spelman College. This demonstrates how demanding the school’s requirements are and how competitive they are.

The Spelman College acceptance rate is 43%. 43 out of every 100 applications are chosen.

This indicates that the school has a medium level of selection. The GPA and SAT/ACT criteria are more lenient than those of other colleges, but the school still expects you to meet them.

If you meet or surpass their requirements, your chances of admission are very good. But if you don’t, you can be one of the unfortunate few who gets a letter of rejection. 

This blog post gives a vivid description of the Spelman College acceptance rate and how you can stand out as an applicant.

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What to know about Spelman College?

In terms of educating women of African heritage, Spelman College is a leader on a global scale. It is a private historically Black liberal arts institution with excellent academic offerings in the humanities, social sciences, sciences, and mathematics. The Spelman College acceptance rate is at a medium level of selection.

Female Seminary members Harriet E. Giles and Sophia B. Packard started the college on April 11, 1881. Sophia, the preceptress of the New Salem Academy in New Salem, Massachusetts, and Harriet met while both were students. 

As their friendship grew, Spelman College—originally known as the “Atlanta Baptist Female Seminary”—was founded. It was given a collegiate charter in 1924, the same year it changed its name to Spelman College.

You will benefit much from choosing to attend Spelman College for your education. All of the college’s female students have an unbreakable kinship; they are like sisters. They share a sisterhood link and are all eager to provide material or financial support for one another.

You’ll have the opportunity to learn new things about yourself, pursue your goals, and have a bright future. You will have the opportunity to develop individually while networking with outstanding former students and leading businesses in many industries. Additionally, you’ll be well-equipped for the business world.

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What Is Spelman College Acceptance Rate in 2025?

The Spelman College acceptance rate is 43%. If you match the admissions requirements, Spelman College is a low-maintenance school where your chances of admission are very favorable. Out of 1,573 applications, 1,180 were admitted the previous year.

The institution has stringent SAT and ACT score standards for admission, often accepting students with scores in the top 46% (SAT 1060/1250, ACT 21/26). High school students with a B+ average and an average GPA of about 3.75 are frequently accepted by and drawn to Spelman College.

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55% of those who were accepted as applicants actually entered. Acceptance to Spelman College is a rewarding experience for students because more than half of those who are accepted matriculate.

Spelman College Transfer Acceptance Rate in 2025

Spelman College admitted 1,672 transfer students in 2019. 958 students were admitted by the school. The transfer Spelman College acceptance rate is 57.3%. This demonstrates how challenging transferring to Spelman College is. To estimate your odds of being approved, utilize the free calculator below.

A candidate will be categorized as a freshman if they have taken concurrent or dual enrollment courses and are applying right after high school graduation.

A candidate who has finished 24 credits or 36 quarter hours of concurrent coursework at a college or university other than Spelman College following high school graduation is referred to as a transfer applicant.

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Is It Difficult to Get Into Spelman College?

43% of applicants are accepted at Spelman. Georgia has the 11th-lowest acceptance rate. For qualified applicants, Spelman is a more difficult institution to get into with a good likelihood of acceptance. 4,794 of the 9,118 applicants who applied last year were accepted.

The institution has reasonable SAT and ACT entrance standards, typically admitting students with scores in the top 50% (SAT 1050/1200, ACT 20/25). 

With an average GPA of roughly 3.65 and a “B+” average in high school, Spelman College regularly accepts and draws these students. The majority of first-year students graduate in the top 25% of their high school class. Only 12% of applicants who were accepted opted to enroll.

Applications must be submitted by December 31 with a $40 application fee to Spelman.

Does Spelman College Require Test Scores? 

The Spelman College acceptance rate for the 2018–19 admissions season was 43%. This indicates that Spelman’s admissions procedure is competitive because 43 out of every 100 applicants were accepted.

SAT Requirements 

All applicants must submit their SAT or ACT scores to Spelman College. 73% of accepted students who were in the admissions cycle for 2018–19 submitted their SAT results.

According to admissions data, the majority of Spelman University admitted students scored in the top 35% nationwide on the SAT. 50% of applicants to Spelman received scores between 560 and 630 on the evidence-based reading and writing section, while 25% received scores below 560 and 25% received scores above 630. 

50% of accepted students received math scores between 520 and 600, 25% received math scores below 520, and 25% received math scores over 600. A composite SAT score of 1230 or higher will put applicants in a particularly competitive position at Spelman College.

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The optional SAT essay portion is optional for Spelman. Keep in mind that Spelman participates in the score choice program, so the admissions office will take into account the best score you obtained on each section of the SAT across all test dates. The Spelman College acceptance rate is at a medium level of selection.

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ACT Requirements

All applicants must submit their SAT or ACT scores to Spelman College. 51% of accepted students who were in the admissions cycle for 2018–19 submitted their ACT results.

According to admissions data, the majority of Spelman University applicants scored in the top 36% nationwide on the ACT. The average ACT composite score of the admitted Spelman students was between 22 and 26, with 25% of them scoring higher and 25% of them scoring lower.

The ACT writing section is not necessary for admission to Spelman. Keep in mind that Spelman withholds information about their ACT super score policy. The Spelman College acceptance rate is at a medium level of selection.

Spelman College GPA Requirements in 2025

The entering freshman class at Spelman in 2019 had an average high school GPA of 3.76, and more than 51% of them had GPAs of 3.75 or higher. These findings imply that the majority of successful Spelman College applicants have a majority of A grades. The Spelman College acceptance rate is at a medium level of selection.

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Admission Requirements for Spelman College

Fewer than half of the candidates are accepted by Spelman College, which has selective admissions. However, Spelman has a comprehensive admissions procedure that takes into account elements other than your GPA and test results. 

Your candidacy can be strengthened by a compelling application essay, excellent recommendation letters, involvement in noteworthy extracurricular activities, and a demanding course load. For those who are certain that Spelman College is their top choice school, take note of the college’s Early Decision application option. 

Even if a student’s grades and test scores fall outside of Spelman’s average range, they may still be given significant consideration if they have extremely impressive stories or accomplishments. The Spelman College acceptance rate is at a medium level of selection.

Transfer Requirements for Spelman College

  • Official college transcripts are required from every university previously attended.
  • SAT scores: Results from standardized tests are necessary.
  • A specialist degree is necessary: With extra coursework in Advanced Writing English 315, associate’s degrees (AAS, AGS, AS, AA, ALS) from qualified institutions and universities will be accepted toward GE requirements.
  • Other conditions: Church permission is required for all applicants to institutions in the Church Education System.

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How to Apply to Spelman College

  • Write a remarkable essay that demonstrates something to Spelman College that isn’t apparent from the rest of your application.
  • Purchase copies of your character’s teachers. Incorporate your major into your Spelman College application if you are aware of it. If so, aim to secure at least one recommendation from a professor in that program.
  • Apply before the cutoff date. Too many students wait until the very last minute to submit their applications, and during that limited window of time, too much can go wrong.
  • It’s possible that Spelman College’s own system is broken since so many students apply on the final day. By sending in your application a few days early, you run the danger of adding to your already high-stress level.

What are the alternatives to Spelman College?

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Just under half of the applicants are accepted by Spelman College, which has a challenging admissions pool with candidates’ SAT/ACT scores and GPAs above average. But Spelman College uses a holistic admissions procedure that takes into account elements besides your GPA and test results.

The school looks for students who will flourish in four areas: spirituality, intelligence, character development, education, and lifelong service. Each applicant to Spelman College must have received church confirmation. Spelman College also looks for compelling application essays that show a desire to attend the school.

A demanding course schedule, including AP, IB, Honors, and Dual Enrollment subjects, as well as evidence of engagement in significant extracurricular activities, such as clubs, church groups, or job experience, are also requirements for applicants.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is the SAT or ACT preferred by Spelman College?

70% of students send Spelman their SAT results. When applying, 55% of applicants include their ACT scores.

How likely is it that I’ll be admitted to Spelman College?

Admission to Spelman is granted to 53% of applicants. There is little rivalry for admission, and the college has lenient requirements. Check to see if you have the grades and scores required for admission.

What SAT score is necessary to enroll in Spelman College?

Applicants with SAT scores in the middle 50% of those accepted had between 1050 and 1200. 70% of applicants submit their SAT results. Check to see if your SAT score qualifies you for admission.

What ACT score is necessary to enroll in Spelman College?

Applicants who are admitted in the middle 50% have ACT scores between 20 and 25. When applying, 55% of students include their ACT results. Check to see if your ACT score qualifies you for admission.


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