Secret’s To Discover Your True Passion.

It’s difficult to figure out what you really enjoy doing.
However, you may wonder if your current job is what you were meant to do. You will decide whether your calling aligns with your current work by self-reflection and evaluation of your experience, as well as consulting with others.
But today I’ll show you the simplest way to figure out whether what you’re doing now or what you want to do is the right thing to do.

Decide on your rate of dedication.

Commitment will feel simple when you are genuinely invested and excited about the work you are doing, and any sacrifices made will be rarely, if ever, regretted. Consider how many times you’ve had to stay late or even donate any of your own money to a good cause. Consider how simple or complex the decision seemed at the time.

So If you often work weekends, for example, you will find yourself working more than the required hours. Perhaps this isn’t your passion if you wake up resenting having to work or want to delegate it to others.
But if you consider why you agreed to do additional work or work that was not part of your job description, this is a sign of a happy, passionate person.

Examine if your beliefs and your work are in sync.

When you’ve found your passion, you’ll notice that your principles and the things you’re passionate about are always in direct line with the work you’re doing. While ethical dilemmas will inevitably occur, you will find that if you are working as you should, you will not be forced to sellout or give in to unethical or wrong practices. If you’re behaving out of character, you won’t be able to live your passion.

Take note of how quickly time passes. 

Even if no one enjoys Mondays, if every day feels like just a Monday, it’s possible you haven’t found your calling. If you find yourself checking the clock and counting down the hours before 6 p.m. on a regular basis, you might want to consider searching for new jobs or figuring out how to make your workday more satisfying.
If, on the other hand, you notice that the hours fly by and that time seems to slip away from you, you might have found the work for you.


At the end of the day, consider your mood.

However some days at work can be difficult, you can still look forward to going home, if you are in a bad mood every day after work, a career change may be worthwhile. Many people are so upset at work that they are miserable during the day and might even take it out on their families, and if this describes you, it’s possible that your passion lies somewhere else. If, on the other hand, you enjoy going to and returning from work, this indicates that you are passionate about your job.

What is the best way to spot this?

  • You should also consider whether your mood is influenced by your work environment or by the work itself.
  • If you enjoy your job but not the community, this may mean that you have discovered your calling and that the workplace is the issue. So it may be beneficial to keep a log of your feelings at the end of each workday to see if any trends emerge.

Take a look at the job you’ve done in past.

In order to elaborate on your mood and emotions, you should think about what you’ve accomplished. If the job was enjoyable or satisfying for you, and you received positive reviews, you may have discovered your calling. If it felt more like a hassle and you weren’t happy with the results, you may want to look at other job or project choices.

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Take note of your progress.

You will often evolve and advance professionally if you are following your passion. Many that are not living their passion will always find themselves stuck because they are uninterested in their job and unable to completely engage in it. Examine where you were at the start of your profession and where you are currently.

how to go about it:

  • Notice if your boss assigns you work that is above or below your job description. This could indicate that they have high confidence in your work and dedication.
  • Think about whether you’re more concerned with the job or the money. If you are more focused on your job, you have most likely discovered your true calling.

Consider what others have said.

You may be so engrossed in your work that you have done very little thought on it. However, be aware that others are paying attention to you, and you can use their feedback to gauge your level of enthusiasm. Consider if you’ve been told stuff like “you seem content” or “I’m so proud of you” when in your current role. These statements demonstrate an inner peace and contentment that is visible to all.
If people say things to you like “you look tired” or “are you happy?” on a regular basis, something about your life can need to be reassessed or improved.

Discuss with your family members and friends.

Your family and friends are the only ones who really know and understand you. Even if they haven’t said something about your job to you, they can have anything to say if you just ask. These are also the people who are most likely to tell you the truth, even if it is unpleasant.
“Do you believe the work I’m doing is my life’s passion?” you may ask.

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Consider how you’ve gone above and above in the past.

Seeking for opportunities to go above and beyond in your work may also mean that you enjoy it. To continue to progress and develop, you might also look for ways to improve your skills and knowledge in your profession. You may even find that you enjoy your job so much that you join a club or do work-related things outside of work.
If you’re a fashion designer, for example, and you’re still looking for different ways to practice or introduce new trends and you’re not bored with it, it might be a sign that you’re on the right track.

Recognize your mentor’s strength.

You will likely attract mentors who are committed to assisting you on your journey, just as you will likely attract followers on your road to success. When someone who has worked in your profession for a long time sees these good qualities in you, they are more likely to want to help you cultivate your passion.
Mentors would want to be associated with understudies who possess the necessary qualities for success, such as enthusiasm.

Examine any honors or distinctions you’ve got.

You will almost certainly be praised for living your passion and doing truly excellent work. Make a list of the occasions you’ve gotten props from coworkers, bosses, or upper-level managers, whether formally or informally.
For example, your employer can often compliment you on a job well done.
Perhaps you’ve won an award for a particular project you’ve worked on.

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