Ole Miss Scholarships at the University of Mississippi

Many Ole Miss scholarships are available at the University of Mississippi thanks to the generous donations of alumni and friends of the university. The scholarships listed below are available to incoming freshmen and transfer students who plan to begin classes at The University of Mississippi in the fall 2025.

Transfer applicants should apply to the University of Mississippi, complete the online Community College Transfer Scholarship Application, and provide a transcript with three semesters of grades. To be considered for scholarships, all students must be admitted to the University of Mississippi. This list excludes several departmental and professional school honours. Scholarship eligibility, requirements, and amounts are subject to change at any time and without notice. Students holding a prior bachelor’s degree are ineligible for these scholarships.

5 Ole Miss Scholarships at the University of Mississippi

1. Luckyday Scholarship

  • Scholarship Amount: $8,000-$24,000 ($2,000-$6,000 per year)
  • Criteria: Freshman from Mississippi with a 20 ACT or above (940 SAT/1020 SAT-R), a 3.2 GPA or higher, and financial need after considering previous scholarships or grants. The selection process is competitive, and grades, test scores, financial necessity, leadership, activities, and the Luckyday essay are all taken into account. Every year, 80 new freshmen are selected.
  • Application Process: The University of Mississippi application for admission, Special Programs & Scholarships
  • Deadline: The Special Programs & Scholarships Application has a priority deadline of January 5, while the FAFSA has a deadline of March 1. The winners will be revealed on April 1st. To be considered for this scholarship, all FAFSA requirements (such as verification and student/parent signatures) must be met, and a valid FAFSA must be on file.
  • Email: [email protected]
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2. Robert M. Carrier Scholarship

  • Scholarship Amount:  $40,000 ($10,000 per year)
  • Criteria: Mississippi residents entering as freshmen; strong academic and leadership records required
  • Application Process: Apply for admission to The University of Mississippi and complete the online Special Programs & Scholarships Application.
  • Deadline: The deadline for the scholarship is January 5.
  • Email: [email protected]

3. W. R. Newman Scholarship

  • Scholarship Amount:  $40,000 ($10,000 per year)
  • Criteria: Mississippi residents entering as freshmen; strong academic and leadership records required
  • Application Process: Apply for admission to The University of Mississippi and complete the online Special Programs & Scholarships Application.
  • Deadline: The deadline for the scholarship is January 5.
  • Email[email protected]

4. Stamps Scholarship

  • Scholarship Amount: After other awards, up to the cost of attendance. The package includes a $12,000 stipend for extracurricular educational activities such as study abroad, research, and other enrichment activities.
  • Criteria: Freshmen with outstanding academic and leadership records
  • Application Process: Apply for admission to The University of Mississippi and complete the online Special Programs & Scholarships Application.
  • Deadline: The deadline for the scholarship is January 5.
  • Email: [email protected]

5. Lott Leadership Scholarship

  • Scholarship Amount: The scholarship amount varies as the university approves the scholarship at its own discretion
  • Criteria: Freshmen with outstanding leadership and academic credentials who are actively pursuing a degree in public policy leadership.
  • Application Process: Apply for admission to The University of Mississippi and complete the online Special Programs & Scholarships Application.
  • Deadline: The deadline for the scholarship is January 5.
  • Email: [email protected]
READ ALSO:  Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarship for Bright International Students


What grade point average do you need to rush at Ole Miss?

To participate in Formal Recruitment, receive a membership invitation, and be initiated into an IFC fraternity, students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7.

What is Ole Miss famous for?

Accounting; Finance, General; General Studies; Curriculum and Instruction; Psychology, General; Marketing/Marketing Management, General; Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration; and Biology are the most common majors at the University of Mississippi.

Can first-year students bring their cars to Ole Miss?

Yes. You must still purchase a permit by going to our website’s My Parking Account link (olemiss.edu/parking) and registering your vehicle. The license plate serves as the parking permit, and anyone parking on campus must have one.

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