Maine Student Loan Forgiveness Programs | Learn How to Apply

Here in this blog post, you will find every detail about the Maine student loan forgiveness program, the requirements, and how to apply

Maine offers several student loan forgiveness programs that are unique only to Maine. 

However, her residents in Maine may also be eligible for various federal student loan forgiveness programs. 

Here is a great list of federal student loan forgiveness programs.  Top Student Loan Forgiveness Programs.   

If you have private student loans, it makes more sense to refinance your loans to see if you get lower interest rates and payments. 

For refinancing student loans, I recommend Credible because he can see if it’s worth it in less than two minutes. 

Try Credible here. Get up to $1,000 in bonuses when you refinance your loan with Credible.  

 If you don’t know where to start or what to do, consider using a tool like Chipper to navigate your student loans. 

The chipper displays the lowest repayment plan options and credit waiver programs to which you are eligible. It also helps with entitlement tracking, paperwork, and more.

Only 1.3 million people live in Maine. However, this tiny state offers a great many student loan assistance programs for Maine residents.   

Maine Department of Revenue officials believe that providing Maine residents with more student debt relief options will help the state attract talented young workers. 

As a result, Maine has become one of the easiest states to borrow from for young people taking out student loans.  

 So if you live in Maine and want to know how to make your student loan debt more manageable, check out these Maine student loan forgiveness programs.

See Also: Guides to First Republic’s Student Loan Refinancing Plan

Maine Loan Forgiveness Programs

1. Maine Opportunity Tax Credit

Amount:  Varies  

Description: The  Maine Opportunity Tax Credit is for student loan payments (refundable or transferable if exceeded) made to Maine residents who meet certain requirements at the time of college graduation. Offer tax deductions.  

Opportunity Tax Credit Requirement: 

 Must be a full-time resident of Maine. 

 You have been working in Maine for at least nine months.  

If you have an associate’s or bachelor’s degree:  earned in Maine between 2007 and 2015 or anywhere in the United States after 2015  for graduate degrees, earned in Maine schools since 2015  

Associate Degree:  Fully Refundable Tax Credit  STEM Undergraduate Degree:  Fully Refundable Tax Credit  

Non-STEM Undergraduate Degree:  Non-refundable tax credits, 10-year balance carryforward  

Postgraduate degrees:  Non-refundable tax credits, 10-year balance carryforward 

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2. Educators for Maine

Amount:  Varies  

Description: As an Educators for Maine (EFM) Loan Program recipient, you will be eligible to have one 12-month mortgage forgiven for every 12 months of going back to work as a complete-time instructor.

which includes speech pathologists, hired via way of means of a Maine public college or Maine personal college authorized for training functions on the basic or secondary ranges or a basic or secondary college.

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operated via way of means of the State of Maine or as a Jobs for Maine’s Graduates professional with suitable instructor certification or as a certified baby care company in a childcare facility. 

In addition, years’ worth of your mortgage can be forgiven every 12 months if you are a full-time instructor at an eligible Maine college operating in an underserved, difficult area.

Requirements For Teachers:  

  •  Certified via way of means of the Maine Department of Education;   
  • Employed at a Maine public basic or secondary college, a Maine personal basic or secondary college that has been authorized for training functions, or a state-operated college;
  •    Employed as a Jobs for Maine’s Graduates professional with suitable instructor certification;   
  • Employed as a basic or secondary instructor, specialized difficulty instructor, vocational or business arts instructor   

Read More: Maryland Student Loan Forgiveness Programs | Loan Repayment Programs

Requirements For Child Care Providers Must Have A Degree or Certificate In:  

  •  Child improvement  
  •  Early adolescence training   
  • Early adolescence improvement  
  •  Health and human services, with a focal point on early adolescence 
  •   Special training from start to 5 years
  •    Other comparable programs, as decided by way of means of FAME 
  •   Employed at a baby care facility 

Maine educators are eligible for teacher loan forgiveness and may be excused from loan payments for up to one or two years. 

To be eligible for the Educators for Maine Loan Forgiveness program, you must be accredited by the Maine Department of Education and work at a qualified school.   

Need to provide educational services in specific areas. 

Specifically: Maine graduate specialists and some nanny jobs are also eligible for this program. 

Whether you get a one-year or two-year loan forgiveness depends on whether you work in an underserved profession.

See Also: Paye Student Loan|Repaying Student Loans through the PAY AS YOU EARN (PAYE) Scheme

3. Maine Health Professions Loan Program Forgiveness

Amount:  Varies  

Description:  Loan Forgiveness may be granted to certain recipients of the Maine Health Professions Loan Program. 

Allowance percentages are based on the location and type of practice and/or population served.  


Complete a primary care residency in Maine to provide primary care in an area understaffed or serve an underserved group. 

 Complete primary care training in Maine and practice primary care anywhere in Maine.  

 GPs and general dentists practice in designated shortage areas for health professionals.   

A physician practicing in an underserved specialty. Physicians serving specific underserved groups

Veterinarians serving underserved Maine residents ‘ primary care practices are not included above.

If you work in Maine’s health care department, you may be eligible for student loan forgiveness through the Maine Health Professional Loan Forgiveness Program. 

There are two different rules depending on when you took out the loan: before January 1, 2011, or after. 

For loans granted before January 1, 2011, the amount of student loan forgiveness you are eligible for depends on the type of work you do.  

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For example, a doctor practicing in an underserved area is eligible for a 50% forgiveness of the original loan amount for each year of practice. 

On the other hand, medical professionals working in general primary care or general dentistry (not in deficient areas) are eligible for 25% of the original loan amount or $7,500 annually, whichever is greater.   

Medical professionals who borrowed on or after January 1, 2011, may be eligible for $25,000 annually, up to $100,000 total.

From the Editor’s Desk: Guides to Dave Ramsey’s Student Loan Refinancing Plan

4. Maine Veterinary Medicine Loan Program Forgiveness

Amount:  Varies  

Description: Recipients of the  Maine Veterinary Medicine Loan Program must not have started veterinary education before January 1, 2011. of veterinary medicine. 

For physicians pursuing veterinary medical training, the Counter Service may cancel all or part of the loan as shown in the table of amortization below.  


Practicing full-time veterinary medicine in areas of Maine with inadequate veterinary services, where the practice spends at least 20 hours a week tending livestock.

Practicing full-time veterinary medicine in areas of Maine with inadequate veterinary services, spending less than 20 hours per week but more than 10 hours per week tending cattle.  

Veterinary Services practice veterinary medicine less than full-time in an underserved area of ​​Maine and dedicate at least 10 hours a week to raising livestock.

If you are a student wishing to become a veterinarian in Maine, you may be eligible for a forgivable loan through the Maine Veterinary Loan Program.

 To be eligible, he must have lived in Maine for two years prior to attending veterinary school or be currently attending veterinary school.

Also, those who want to be involved in veterinary medicine for livestock are also eligible. must have started school on or after January 1, 2011. 

 Eligible for $25,000 for 4 years and up to $100,000 for 4 years. This money goes directly to the school. 

Check this also: Student Loan Forgiveness for Nurses in Kentucky | Review

5. Maine Dental Education Loan Repayment Program

Amount:  Up to 25% per annum of original debt  Description:  As the beneficiary of a dental education loan in Maine, you may, under certain circumstances, be entitled to forgive some or all of your dental education loan debt.

This program was created to increase access to dental care for the underserved population of Maine.  


Tenants who provide primary dental care at a qualified dental facility in an underserved area (as determined by the Maine Director of Health and Human Services) pay 25% of their original outstanding debt. It may be waived each year. 

Recipients must provide evidence of primary dental practice at a qualified facility located in an underserved area.

The loan recipient is entitled to pro-rata partial forgiveness if he meets all criteria but maintains reasonable practices for less than one year.

Working as a dentist in an underserved area of ​​Maine? 

You may be eligible for student loan forgiveness through Maine’s Dental Education Loan Repayment Program.

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 To qualify, a dentist must be licensed in Maine. Additionally, you must be employed by a qualified dental facility.

 They must care for all patients and are not allowed to participate in other programs funded by the National Health Service.   

Primary dental care facilities must meet certain requirements, such as being located in an underserved area.

 You must also accept student loan payments through MaineCare on a gradual scale. 

  Both undergraduate and graduate loans are eligible for this program. 

They require him to sign a two-year contract and can receive up to $20,000 to $25,000 each year. The total prize pool is capped at $80,000 to $100,000.

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Applying to a Forgiveness Program

Then choose the program that works best for you. Don’t worry if you don’t qualify for any of the programs described. 

There are also federal programs and other strategies to consider.  

Before applying to the Forgiveness Program, you will need to gather the necessary supporting documents.  

Make sure you have the following as a starting point:   

  • income history (payslip and/or last W-2)  
  • interest, terms, and monthly payments for all loans  loan commitments Bill  
  • Social Security number  
  • Other financial information as needed  

It’s unlikely that you’ll need all of this information for every application, but it’s better to have it than necessary. 

Other subject programs may request references or essays for additional information.

The Pros and Cons of Student Loans: Are They Worth It?


Is Maine taxing the discharge of student loans?

In a recent round of tax compliance, Maine included forgiven loan debt to the federal tax code revisions it adopted. Under President Joe Biden’s plan, Mainers who get their student debt forgiven won’t be saddled with a hefty tax burden as a result.

Who is eligible for the initiative to forgive student loans? 

Your annual income must have been less than $125,000 (for individuals) or $250,000 to be eligible (for married couples or heads of households). You are qualified for up to $20,000 in debt relief if you were awarded a Pell Grant while in college and your salary is within the range.


Once you have submitted your application, you will need to clarify the requirements that must be met. 

For example, the Maine Dental Education Loan Program requires a minimum two-year service contract.

If you don’t meet the program requirements, in many cases, the state can recover the benefits you actually paid and may charge interest. 

But after completing all program requirements, congratulations! You have received your student loan forgiveness.


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