How To Apply For A Student Visa in Israel

Are you looking for how to apply for a student visa in Israel? if yes, you are at right spot, continue reading to know more about it.

Israel, a Middle Eastern country on the Mediterranean Sea, is considered the biblical Holy Land by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Its holiest sites are in Jerusalem.

Thinking about studying abroad in Israel in 2025 but not sure where to begin?

Because Israel lacks a centralized application system for higher education, the admission process may differ depending on your chosen field, program level, or institution.

Checking the ideal time to submit your application for an Israel visa in your home country should be your first step. Applications that are submitted too soon or too late frequently fail.

Learn more about studying abroad in Israel in this article and about scholarships available to students from other countries who want to study there. Continue reading

Pay close attention to the following advice when requesting an A/2 student visa for Israel to avoid making any mistakes that could jeopardize your application:

  • Fill out your application form completely and accurately. Make sure you don’t make any hasty typing errors or other mistakes.
  • On the day of your appointment, bring original copies and photocopies of all supporting documents.
  • Presenting fake documents will affect your ability to obtain visas for Israel in the future because the embassy can easily identify them.

Please don’t miss your appointment under the mistaken impression that you can schedule another one. The Israel embassies are notorious for being extremely challenging to reschedule.

A student visa for Israel is valid for one year. You can request a one-year visa extension before your current one expires. As long as you are registered at an Israeli educational institution, you are eligible to extend or renew your Visa.

Why Study Abroad In Israel?

Some countries are better at studying specific subjects, but study programs in Israel have something for everyone. Tradition and innovation coexist here, as do the past and the present. And there are numerous and epic study break options.

It’s relatively easy to get around in Israel, and many Israel study abroad programs combine classroom learning with some exploration. You can get lost in Jerusalem’s Old City when you’re not in class and marvel at historical sites you’ve known about your entire life.

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7 Reasons to Study Abroad in Israel in 2025

Your main concern as a student when studying abroad is the quality of the institution you will be attending. Academic excellence is widely recognized in Israel’s higher education institutions. 

Israel provides a high-quality academic experience, with several universities ranked among the best in the world and excellent colleges and research institutes. 

Many institutions offer English-language programs, providing a unique international learning environment to help you learn and succeed.

Below are the 7 major reasons why you should study in Israel.

1. Innovation and Technology 

If you are interested in innovation and technology, Israel is the place to be! Israel, also known as the “Start-Up Nation,” is a land of innovation. 

It is a hotbed of hi-tech activity, with the world’s highest per capita investment in start-up companies. 

Israel was named the world’s third most innovative country (World Economic Forum Global Competitive Index). Studying in Israel allows you to experience and participate in Israel’s thriving start-up culture and ecosystem.

2. Student Life

There’s more to studying in Israel than just hitting the books, whether you live on campus or off, in or out of the city. 

Israel has a vibrant student social scene with numerous opportunities to get out and enjoy everything Israel has to offer. You will be able to form lifelong friendships with Israelis and students from all over the world.

3. Fascinating Culture 

If you choose to study in Israel, you will be immersed in a diverse, dynamic, and ever-changing culture. 

Israel’s history spans over 4,000 years and has absorbed a wide range of cultural influences. Throughout your studies, you will have numerous opportunities to immerse yourself in Israel’s fascinating culture, whether through food, History, art, or music.

4. Travel and Landscape

In terms of sightseeing, Israel has a lot to offer. You can visit world-renowned historical sites, float in the Dead Sea, hike in the beautiful Sea of Galilee region or the Negev Desert, marvel at the Baha’i Gardens in Haifa, or watch the sunset on Tel Aviv beach. 

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Israel is jam-packed with attractions that will keep you busy until graduation and beyond.

5. Great schools

One of the main reasons so many students choose Israel for their study abroad is the country’s growing reputation as a leader in providing excellent education. 

Israel’s universities rank highly on international rankings and provide students with the opportunity to receive a top-tier education regardless of their field of study. Here are some of Israel’s best colleges:

6. All the History 

The land of Israel has a rich history that dates back thousands of years, and evidence of this can be found all over the country! 

There are numerous historical sites to visit and examples of architecture from various eras. 

Because of Israel’s rich History and the various groups of people who have lived there, there is an incredibly diverse set of cities to choose from when looking at study options.

7. Weather 

Finally, it would be impossible to talk about studying in Israel without mentioning the fantastic weather. The country is blessed with idyllic hot summers that can be spent lounging on one of the many beaches and cool winters with temperatures that never dip too low. 

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What Are The Best Places To Study Abroad In Israel in 2025?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re probably aware that Israel is one of the most popular and welcoming countries for international students. 

There are numerous compelling reasons why international students should study in Israel.

Here are some places in Israel where you can get Top-notch Education;

  • Tel Aviv-Yafo
  • Jerusalem 
  • Haifa
  • Nazareth 
  • Jaffa
  • Bethlehem 
  • Acre

What are the Requirements to Study Abroad in Israel in 2025?

The following are the requirements for enrolling in studies in Israel beginning in 2023:

To be granted a visa, you must include the following items with your application:

  • Completed and signed visa application for entry into Israel
  • Two passport-sized photographs
  • A formal letter of acceptance for studies from an Israeli higher education institution
  • Proof that the student has the financial resources to pay for her/his studies and the duration of their planned stay in Israel;
  • A travel document (such as a passport) is valid for the duration of the studies and another six months after that. 
  • Payment of fees
  • Proof of health insurance 

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Do I Need A Visa To Study Abroad In Israel?

An Israeli A/2 Student Visa is a permit to enter Israel for those who have already been accepted into an Israeli educational institution. 

The A/2 Student Visa for Israel is renewable and allows international students of all ages to live and study in Israel, but it does not allow its holder to work.

A student visa (A/2 visa) is required to study in Israel. Applications should be sent to your home country’s Israeli embassy or consulate. The Visa is valid for up to a year and allows multiple entries and exits from the country.

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Do You Have To Speak Hebrew To Study Abroad in Israel?

To enrol in an Israel school, you must be fluent in either English or Hebrew.

Israel post-secondary institutions have their language proficiency requirements for international students. The level of language proficiency required varies by school.

While putting together your application, you should consider the specific requirements for your program. Some schools allow you to finish English lessons even after you begin your studies.

Some international students are exempt from providing proof of language proficiency.

If you are from an English-speaking country or have studied English, you may not need to take the IELTS.

It is not a Must you will know Hebrew before enrolling. Still, you should know the basic Hebrew language to enable you to socialize well, especially with the locals. 

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How Much Does It Cost To Study Abroad In Israel?

To study at Israeli public universities, international students must pay tuition. Fees typically range from:

Bachelor’s degrees cost between 3,900 and 15,000 EUR per year.

Master’s degrees cost between 3,100 and 26,000 EUR per year.

PhD degrees cost 0 EUR per year (universities tend to waive the tuition)

You’ll need between 400 and 800 EUR per month to cover living expenses in Israel. The most expensive item is lodging, but how much you end up spending is also determined by your habits and lifestyle.

The official currency is the New Israeli Shekel (NIS). At the time of writing, 4 shekels equalled 1 euro.

What Are Scholarships To Study Abroad In Israel?

Israel offers scholarships to their students in different ways, and it will be listed and detailed so that you will understand and know more about their scholarships in case you are interested in any of them.

1. Government scholarships 

The government is a huge source of scholarship funds, especially if you want to study abroad. The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program is one of the services they provide. 

The Gilman Scholarship, aimed at students with high financial needs, is intended to provide students with the opportunity to study abroad to better prepare them for roles in the growing global economy. 

This program seeks to send students from underrepresented groups, such as community college students, students from diverse backgrounds, and students with disabilities, to locations often overlooked by other study abroad programs.

2. College Scholarships 

The Jewish Studies program at Michigan State University examines all aspects of Jewish History, religion, culture, and civilization. Students trace these topics from biblical times to the present. 

Immersion in and acceptance of culture is important to understand it. Students can do just that with this Jewish Studies program. 

They have a few courses for students who want to travel to Israel. They also provide financial assistance to students who wish to travel to Israel. 

The Levy Scholarship is available to Jewish and non-Jewish students alike. It is intended for students to study at Israeli universities to become excellent global leaders. Students must have a GPA of at least 3.0 to be eligible. A prize of up to $5,000 is possible.

3. Private Organization 

The Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, Israel, offers study programs for men and women over the age of 20. 

They emphasize the textual study of the Bible’s Old Testament, allowing students to read and comprehend great works in their original languages of Hebrew and Aramaic. 

The Mayanot Institute does not want financial constraints to prevent students from pursuing the best Judaic Studies. 

As a result, they provide partial airfare grants (up to $400) and scholarships to students interested in studying in Mayanot. The Rohr Grant provides $500 to students attending Mayanot for the first time.

4. American Jewish League for Israel Scholarship 

The American Jewish League for Israel offers scholarships to students accepted to study for credit at an Israeli university. 

Students are evaluated on merit, regardless of financial need. Each year, between five and six scholarships are given out. The application for 2020 will be available in late January 2020.

5. Hilder Specter Morgenstern Merit Scholarship 

This scholarship is awarded once a year to an American Jewish woman, who has at least a 3.5 GPA, intends to study in Israel during her undergraduate education, and has an interest in public advocacy, public policy, or government affairs. The application is currently open!

6. Masa Israel

Masa provides scholarships to Jewish young adults aged 18 to 30 to participate in short-term or long-term programs in Israel. The scholarship amount is determined by age, home country, program length, and need.

7. Kupcinet-Getz International Science Summer School

This Weizmann Institute of Science program selects undergraduate students to participate in eight-week research projects in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and life sciences under the supervision of an experienced scientist.

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What Are The Best Programs To Study Abroad In Israel?

Israel has cemented its position as one of the best places in the world to live and study, receiving high marks from the United Nations for both life quality and educational standards.

In terms of quality and future employment opportunities, this section lists some of the best programs in the country for international students.

They include:

  • Business and Law in Israel
  • Archaeology and History of the land of the Bible 
  • Engineering and Science
  • Psychology 
  • Entrepreneurship, Science and Technology 
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation 
  • Data and Business for cyber security 

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How Can You Pack For Study Abroad In Israel?

A word about carry-on items: Most commercial airlines have new rules about what you can and cannot bring in your carry-on luggage. 

Sharp objects, such as razors, knives, and nail files, are prohibited in carry-on luggage on most flights. Please see the Duties, Customs, and Airport Security section of this Handbook for more information.

In general, there are some very important items that you should NOT pack in your checked baggage; you should keep them with you at all times and pack them in your carry-on bag. These are the items:

  • Passport Visa Tickets 
  • Prescription medication
  • Glasses
  • Money (To and from airports, phone calls, emergencies, and so on…)
  • Additional official documentation
  •  Water bottle
  •  Books
  • Toothbrush/toothpaste, and a change of clothes and underwear in case the flight is delayed or cancelled.
  • Student I.D. Card (good for discounts too)Money BeltBackpack (for class and the day–trips)
  • Sleeping Bag (for camping or hostel stays)
  • Pocket Knife (don’t put this in your carry–on!)
  • Camera/JournalPrescriptions 
  • A Few Family Photos (so you don’t get homesick)
  • Dress set of clothes

What Are The Tips Needed To Study Abroad in Israel?

For many students, moving to Israel to study is an easy decision. Individuals should be aware of various things to position themselves for success.

They are as follows:

  • Make friends with your professor
  • Associate more with the locals 
  • Describe your favourite cultural aspects
  • Seek out a mentor
  • Step outside of your comfort zone
  • Make use of the resources available to international students.
  • Balance your life outside the classroom by exploring what Israel offers.

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What Are The Steps To Prepare You For Study Abroad In Israel?

To encourage you to participate and prepare for what lies ahead, we’ve compiled a list of our top six topics to consider before studying abroad in Israel.

There will undoubtedly be some unpleasant surprises along the way, so perhaps this list will help you prepare for your stay.

1. Prepare yourself for culture shock (in a good way).

2. Take Notes 

3. Don’t let homesickness stop you.

4. Overcome the language barrier

Organize your finances.

5. Become familiar with the university system in Israel 

6. Safety First

7. Bring a lot of warm clothing.

8. Arrange some travel.


What type of Visa is a student visa in Israel?

The student visa is an A2 Visa 

Is Israel Good for international students?

Students choose Israel for their education, including top-ranked universities, Israel’s status as one of the most innovative countries in the world, vibrant student life and fascinating culture, and so on.

Is it safe to study in Israel?

Yes, you are safe as long as you observe the safety measures set by your school.

Can I work while studying in Israel?

The working Visa is the only way to work in Israel, and international students are not permitted to work with a student visa.


Israel is an excellent place to study for various reasons, and becoming acquainted with isreal culture will change your perspective on the world and how you interact with others for the rest of your life.

You can’t help but be struck by the friendliness and delight of the Isreal people while visiting, and you’ll undoubtedly leave with memories that make you want to return.


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