Hagan Scholarship Secrets You Need to Know to Win

The Hagan Scholarship is a need-based merit scholarship that aims to help rural students graduate debt-free from college.

The Hagan Scholarship was created to assist recipients with up to $48,000 over four years for an undergraduate degree and up to $24,000 over two years for a graduate degree. Workshops to gain critical life skills, study/travel abroad, and investment accounts to learn how to invest are all available as additional perks. 429 schools and institutions in 48 states have hosted Hagan Scholars at, some point in history. Over 2,000 students have been awarded.

Recipients must attend a public high school in a city or town with a population of fewer than 25,000 people and whose outer boundary does not touch the outer boundary of another city or town. The Hagan Scholarship Foundation (HSF) website has a list of eligible public high schools.

Level/Field of Study

This scholarship is for undergraduates, there is no restriction as to course or field of study.

Host Nationality

This scholarship is brought to you by the Hagan Scholarship Foundation. Hagan Scholarship Foundation is a US-based foundation passionate about this helping those in need.

Eligibility for the Hagan Scholarship

  1. You must be a United States citizen.
  2. Attend a public high school in a city or town with a population of fewer than 25,000 people and whose outer boundary does not abut the outer limit of another city or town.
  3. A 3.50 overall grade point average is required.
  4. You must rank in the top 20% of your graduating class.
  5. After high school graduation, you must enrol in an eligible four-year college or institution.
  6. Maintaining a four-year graduation timetable is required.
  7. Must work 240 hours in the twelve months leading up to the start of the fall semester of college.
  8. The EFC must be indicated on the FAFSA SAR.
  9. If qualified, you must apply for federal and state awards.
  10. You must not have ever been convicted of a felony.
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It is not required to be the class’s top student. In a class of 107 students, the average Hagan Scholarship beneficiary is rated 9th. Recipients must have specific goals, be prepared to put in the effort required to accomplish those goals, and have a true financial need.

Required Documents to Apply for the Hagan Scholarship

  1. Hagan Scholarship Foundation, HSF, will determine the disbursement amount of up to $6,000 each semester by subtracting the total dollar amount of ALL scholarships, awards, grants, waivers, and one-half of the recipient’s EFC from the Total Cost of Attendance, which includes tuition, fees, room and board, books, supplies, personal and transportation costs; and then subtracting the total dollar amount of ALL scholarships, awards, grants, waivers, and one-half of the recipient’s EFC. Parents are not compelled to pay the EFC; it is just used to calculate the amount of payment.
  2. Each semester, the amount of the payout will be modified to account for the expiration or loss of other scholarships, awards, grants, waivers, and changes in the recipient’s EFC.
  3. The undergraduate scholarship is renewable for up to seven further semesters if the recipient meets the scholarship requirements and participates in the required workshops.
  4. Prior to college enrollment, first-year grantees will get $1,000 to purchase basic college things not covered by the scholarship, such as a computer, mobile phone, clothes, office supplies, bedding, and so on.
  5. Second-year awardees will get $1,000 to open a personal brokerage account, as well as a $20,000 Hagan Scholarship Foundation brokerage account to maintain until graduation, in order to learn firsthand how to invest for financial stability.
  6. Third-year winners with a 3.50 cumulative grade point average are eligible for an all-expenses-paid study and travel abroad programme worth up to $8,000, or the money can be utilised to study abroad for one semester.
  7. Recipients with a 3.75 CGPA who have completed college can extend their Hagan Scholarship for up to four extra semesters to pursue graduate school and receive $6,000 each semester. The amount of credit hours a recipient can acquire is unlimited.
  8. Recipients must work 240 hours in the twelve months leading up to the start of the fall semester of college. Work must be planned on a regular basis and completed under supervision for a fee.
  9. No application or processing fees are required.
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Responsibilities of the Recipient

  1. A 3.25 CGPA is required, as well as a four-year graduation timeline.
  2. Students must complete fourteen credit hours in the fall semester and thirty credit hours in the academic year (excluding summer school).
  3. Graduate students must maintain a 3.75 cumulative grade point average and complete 12 credit hours each semester.
    We will not make any adjustments to the scholarship criteria in order to be fair to all applicants.

Application Process

Visit the Hagan Scholarship Portal to apply for this scholarship.

Selection Process

Applications are scrutinized for eligibility, work quality, and adherence to guidelines. The status of applicants will be communicated to them. Finalists need to submit more information. Scholarships will be awarded in March of 2023. Half of all qualified finalists will get $3,000 if they are not awarded a scholarship.

Scholarship Award

What is the value of the Hagan Scholarship?

  1. Hagan Scholarship: $48,000 maximum
  2. Hagan Graduate Scholarship: Up to $24,000 over a two-year period.

Workshops to develop vital life skills are available as an added benefit.

  1. In the first year, you’ll have $1,000 to spend on necessities.
  2. A personal brokerage account with a balance of $1,000 in the second year
  3. Third Year, Study/Travel Abroad Grant of up to $8,000
  4. In the fourth year, you will get up to $10,000 by managing an HSF brokerage account.
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Deadline for the Hagan Scholarship

The Hagan Scholarship opens for applications on 1st September and runs through till its deadline on 1st December.


The Hagan Scholarship is intended to allow each student to complete a four-year college education while remaining debt-free, as well as the chance to pursue a university degree. Workshops, study abroad, and investment accounts provide participants with a hands-on understanding of key life skills that aren’t often taught in school.

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