Georgia Student Access Loan (SAL) | Georgia Student Finance Commission

The Georgia Student Access Loan (SAL) is a resource-limited loan program designed to help undergraduate students who have gaps in funding their education. 

The program also aims to provide interest and repayment incentives for those who have completed their studies within the intended program period and are working in selected public service or STEM fields. 

Loan Program Information   The interest rate for all loans granted under these terms is 1% for the life of the loan. 

The borrower must meet loan obligation  , including repayment requirements, as specified in the promissory note in order to hold the loan at one percent (1%) interest. 

 Repayment is up to 15 years. If you are required to repay the loan within the required period, your repayments must be at least fifty dollars ($50) per month, excluding school deferrals and grace periods.  Minimum loan amount is $500. 

Loans are capped at $8,000 per year ($4,000 per semester) and up to $36,000 for the entire college life. 

The annual amount an applicant may receive under the  SAL program ranges from the lesser of $8,000 or the student’s entry fee (COA) for the duration of the award, to the student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and expected This is the amount after deducting the Economic Student Assistance (EFA).

during the offer period. A  SAL cannot be used to offset a student’s girlfriend’s EFC.  

Origination Fee: A non-refundable $50  fee is deducted from the first payment of each loan.

Student loans backed by lottery money are known as Student Access Loans (SAL), sometimes known as Low-Interest Loans. 

Undergraduate students in Georgia who have financial need can apply for the Student Access Loan (SAL), which has a low interest rate. 

The expected family contribution (EFC) and any financial help received are subtracted from the cost of attendance to calculate the amount of need (excluding the PLUS loan).

The Student Access Loan is Georgia’s last resort student loan program that allows students who may not meet the financial eligibility requirements for merit-based scholarships and other loans to enroll in a technical college or four-year program

“The SAL program is a loan of last resort and requires students to have a clear need to receive a loan, but without a credit check or finding a co-signer to qualify for the loan. 

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See also: U-fi From Nelnet Student Loan Review: All You Need to Know

Student Eligibility

Students must be Georgia residents and be considered U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens.  

They must also maintain satisfactory academic performance (SAP) in accordance with the SAP policy of the college or university.  

Students must have previously applied for and exhausted all other student funding programs, including federal and state student loan, scholarship, and grant programs.  students must be randomly selected to participate in the program. 

(Note:  selection does not guarantee acceptance, and applicants may or may not be selected in any application year.) 

Read also: RISLA Refinancing and Private Student Loans: Our Review

Important Things to Know 

To apply for the program, a valid Free Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application is required.  

When applying for this loan, please understand that this is a private education loan that requires repayment. And also, they cannot be combined or consolidated with other federal loans.  entries will only be collected during the predetermined application period.  

Borrow smart! When applying, only apply for the funds necessary for your educational expenses.  

Withdrawals are also made directly to the qualifying post-secondary institution and are non-transferable.  

Eligible higher education institutions may refuse to approve a loan or reduce the amount borrowed on a case-by-case basis. 

Cancellation and Discharge Options

Students who are science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) teachers or who work in the public sector can cancel part of the loan. 

140 student borrowers have partially canceled since the option was introduced in 2012. 

Full exemption for 4,444 technical college graduates with an overall grade of 3.5 or higher. 

1,051 students are eligible for loan relief since the option was launched in his 2015 academic year.  

Temporary Student Access Loan Program for Zell Miller Scholars Created Due to COVID-19  

This year, impacted by the cancellation of the SAT and ACT. A high school student with the 3.7 GPA required for the Zell Miller Scholarship will receive a SAL and can apply for These loans are intended to bridge the gap between the HOPE awards students receive and the amount from Zell Miller. 

Home students can receive a loan equal to Zell Miller’s amount. 

After submitting a qualifying SAT or ACT score, the loan will be canceled. The deadline for submitting SAT and ACT results is December 30, 2020. 

READ ALSO:  What to Know About Student Loan Origination Fees

See also: 15 Best Student Loan Forgiveness in Kentucky | Review

Application Procedure for the Student Access Loan in 2025

Before applying for a Student Access Loan, students must have a GAfutures account with SSN for secure identification and must have the current year’s FAFSA on file with GSFA/GAfutures. (GAfutures accounts are secure and not shared.) 

  The SAL is an annual process involving application, selection, certification, approval, and payment.  Completed applications are selected and made available to universities on the applicant’s list. 

(Currently, her HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarship holders take precedence over first-choice applications.)  

Selection does not guarantee admission, and applicants may or may not be selected each application year. there is. 

 The applicant’s university must determine SAL eligibility. If the applicant is eligible, the university will authenticate the loan application and determine the amount of the scholarship. 

The university will reject the loan application if the applicant is not eligible. 

After  College validates the loan application, applicants will receive a secure email and have five calendar days to electronically sign the required promissory note and self-certification. 

(Applicants will receive a completed promissory note, self-certification and disclosure by email).  After the promissory note is signed, the loan will be processed.

  Loan payment funds are paid directly to the student’s chosen college and are not transferable.  

When applying for this loan. Please understand that this is a private education loan that requires repayment and cannot be combined or consolidated with federal student loans.  

Borrow smart! When applying for a loan, only request funds that you need and can repay for your education.

Check also: How is a Student Loan Different from a Scholarship?

Loan Repayment Programs

Georgia has numerous loan foreclosure and loan repayment programs. These initiatives help get students into career areas that may be in short supply in the state’s workforce. 

For example, the Engineering Education (SEE) Scholarship Billable Loan virtually eliminates loans for students pursuing a career in engineering. Because the state covers the student once he or she qualifies for the award. 

The John R. Justice Student Loan Repayment Program pays monies owed by a law student who commits to serve at least three years of her service as a local, state, or federal public defender or as a local or state attorney general. 

READ ALSO:  Everything you need to know before you apply for ECMC Student Loan

To be eligible, students must be residents of Georgia.   


What is an Access GA Student Loan? 

For qualified students enrolled in an authorized postsecondary school in Georgia, the Georgia Student Finance Authority offers the Student Access Loan (SAL) Program. The Student Assistance Loan (SAL) is a 1% fixed rate loan intended to help undergraduate and technical college students who are having trouble covering their tuition bills.

Does Georgia offer loan forgiveness for students? 

Program for Forgiving Student Loans in Georgia. Georgia has a scheme for forgiving student loans that is only available to residents of Georgia. However, Georgian citizens may also be eligible for a number of federal student loan forgiveness programs.


 If, after examining all other financing options, you conclude that a private or alternative loan is your last resort to close the gap between your college costs and what you can afford should be considered. 

Lenders will lure you in with low interest rates, multiple terms, and other bonuses, but you should be sure to choose the loan that best suits you in terms of amount, type, and term. 

Should only be availed if you already have federal loans and grants or scholarships. 

Notable private financial institutions in Georgia include CU Student Loans, Wells Fargo Student Loans and Sallie Mae.  

 Your lender will want to do a credit check on your background before you borrow money. In this case, many students choose a parent or legal guardian, another relative, or a friend as their co-debtor. 

Make sure that any person you choose to be a joint borrower is a trustworthy individual with good creditworthiness and with whom you feel comfortable entering into financial arrangements. 

They must have a low debt-to-income ratio and a reliable source of income to co-sign your loan with you.


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