Free printable bible study lessons with questions and answers in pdf

The Bible is a collection of books that contains many stories we can learn from, but it also tells us about God and his relationship with people. The best way to understand the Bible is by reading it yourself or having someone else read it to you as they explain what’s happening in each passage. 

The Bible also carries with it important messages for today’s society. People who read the Bible often find themselves reflecting on these stories and how they can apply them to their own lives.

This piece contains printable guides and questions for your study group or family members on topics like:

  • What does a Christian believe about salvation?
  • How do Christians view forgiveness?
  • What does Christianity mean when they say ‘Divine Revelation?
  •  How can we be sure that our understanding of Scripture is correct?
  • What are the greatest lessons we can learn from the life of Jesus?

What is the Christian view of salvation?

Salvation is a gift from God, given to all people in Christ. It’s not something you do for yourself; it’s something that God gives you because he loves you and wants what’s best for you.

You may have heard Jesus say that salvation is a free gift (Matt 6:32). This means that it comes with no strings attached no matter what we do or don’t do on our own merit and worthiness. The Christian view of salvation doesn’t mean that we earn our way into heaven through good works (Romans 10:13). Instead, it teaches us how to believe in Jesus as our Savior without relying on ourselves or anything else for our eternal security.

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The following are some questions you might want to ask yourself when reading through:

●   How does this passage relate to my life?

●   What did God do when he gave up everything for me?

●   What did he do for others who were less fortunate than me?

●   How does this passage help me understand more about Christ as my Savior?

What is forgiveness?

Forgiveness is a choice. It’s not forgetting, reconciliation, or condoning the offense. It’s not denying the offense or excusing it in any way at all.

Forgiveness is choosing to love someone despite their behavior; forgiving them for what they did to you and deciding that moving forward together with them will be better than staying bitter and angry forever because of what happened between the two of you

What do Christians mean by ‘Divine Revelation’?

Divine Revelation is the communication of God’s truth to humanity. It is God’s self-disclosure in Jesus Christ and His word, as well as nature and history.

Divine revelation occurs when we read the Scripture (1 Peter 1:18–19) or hear God speak through prayer (Mark 11:22).

What are the greatest lessons we can learn from the life of Jesus?

Jesus was a man who lived on earth, but he was also God’s son. He grew up in Nazareth, and Nazareth was the hometown of his mother, Mary. When he was baptized, Jesus knew that it would be his destiny to become the perfect sacrifice for our sins; therefore, he willingly accepted it with joy and gratitude!

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Jesus taught us many things about God’s love: “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.” (John 3). Jesus performed miracles because he truly wanted to show how much God loves us.

What should I know about what is in the Bible and why was it written?

The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by 40 authors over a period of 1,500 years. These books were written by men who were inspired by God to write down his word. The original language of the Bible is Hebrew, and it was translated into other languages such as Greek, Latin, and English during different times in history.

The Bible contains stories about God’s people and how they lived their lives as well as what happened to them when they disobeyed him or did something against him (like worshiping idols).

How did Christianity begin and how did it become a world religion?

Jesus was crucified, rose from the dead, ascended to heaven, and sent the Holy Spirit to inspire the writings known as the New Testament. The first four books of the scripture were by men who personally met Jesus during his earthly ministry, which are: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. 

These books tell us about his birth, teachings, death on a cross, burial at Calvary, his resurrection from death three days later (on Easter Sunday), and finally his ascension into heaven where he sits at God’s right hand.

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How to prepare a Bible study lesson plan

To begin with, you’ll want to start with a bible study lesson plan template. This is a great way to get your thoughts down on paper and ensure you cover everything before starting. Once you’ve got your template ready, use the Bible as your guide for finding answers and making notes. Then ask questions like: “What does this verse mean?” or “How could this apply?”

Once you’ve finished, share your thoughts with someone more versed and learned in order to get guidance. Use this lesson plan template as a guide for starting your own Bible study group at home or in church.

Having an impressive knowledge base of the scriptures will help you have courage when you need it.

The Bible is the best place to find courage, as it is a book of hope, love, faith, and life.

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