Destination Australia Scholarship for Top Minds

Numerous domestic and foreign students who wish to enrol in top Australian universities may still apply for the Destination Australia Scholarship.

The Destination Australia Scholarship is available to successful students as a $15,000 annual scholarship to help cover the costs of living and attending school in remote Australia.

The Commonwealth Government-funded Destination Australia Program’s goals are to promote regional tertiary education in Australia, grow and develop regional tertiary education providers, and provide students with a high-quality educational experience.


On March 20, 2019, the Destination Australia Program was unveiled as part of Australia’s Future Population Planning. The program is in line with the 2025 National Strategy for International Education.

The Destination Australia Program is supported by the Department’s Outcome 2.7 – International Education Support, which promotes the long-term growth of high-quality international education, training, and research in Australia.

The grant program gives funding to Australian university education providers in regional locations to award scholarships to domestic and international students, publicize those scholarships, and promote tertiary education in regional Australia. It contributes to achieving Outcome 2.7 by allowing international and domestic students to study in regional Australia.

Scholarships for domestic and foreign students to study and live in regional Australia are offered by approved tertiary education providers with funding from the Destination Australia Scholarship.

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The Australia Destination Program:

  • encourages initiatives that contribute to growth and sustainability to support Australian tertiary education providers in regional and remote areas.
  • provides Australian and international students with the chance to pursue high-quality education, training, and research while also getting a taste of living in Australia’s rural and regional areas.
  • guaranteeing that localities benefit from the social, cultural, and economic advantages that international students bring.

The goal of the Destination Australia Program is to promote the study of regional Australia among domestic and foreign students, to expand and improve regional Australian tertiary education providers, and to provide students with an excellent educational opportunity.

Level/Field of Study

This scholarship is open to all levels and fields of study. If you intend to pursue undergraduate or postgraduate programs, then this is for you.

Host Nationality

This scholarship is brought to you by the Australian Government’s Department of Education, SKills and Employment.

Eligibility for the Destination Australia Scholarship

For the Destination Australia Scholarship to be given consideration, you must:

  • either indigenous or foreign students
  • possess a firm offer to enrol in one of the Australian universities involved
  • have a valid student visa throughout the scholarship’s term
  • satisfies all course and university requirements.

You may apply as an individual or as part of consortia. See Section 7.2 for information on how to join a consortium.
You cannot apply as an applicant in your own right if you apply as a consortium, either as the lead organization or as a member. That means you are only permitted to apply for this award opportunity once.

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Application Process

Students who are interested and qualified can apply directly to participating universities for the 2022 scholarship.

Candidates should begin the application process by visiting the appropriate application websites of participating universities.

Examples are provided below;

To begin the application process, click the button below.

Scholarship Award

The Destination Australia scholarship money of $15,000 per year is available for approximately 380 students in Round 3 of the program for domestic and international students beginning their studies in 2025.

Grantees must utilize grant monies to:

  • pay scholarship funds to eligible scholarship students by section 5.3.
  • administer and promote the Destination Australia scholarship.

Payment of scholarship funds

Grantees must pay the scholarship money of $7,500 every half-year term immediately to each scholarship recipient as long as the student meets the conditions.

The first payment of scholarship monies must be provided to the scholarship student within one week of the student census date or within six weeks after the student begins their study program, whichever is sooner. The second instalment must be paid to the student within six months of the first instalment. Grantees must continue to provide scholarship cash in six-monthly instalments if a scholarship student is to be sponsored for numerous years.

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Scholarship funds can only be used for scholarships and cannot be used for anything else. To avoid confusion, grantees are not entitled to keep scholarship cash to defray tuition costs. Similarly, grantees are not permitted to offer scholarships in exchange for any sort of payment of scholarship funds to the grantee by scholarship students.

If a scholarship student is deemed to no longer fit the standards, disbursements of scholarship cash must cease.

Grantees may not recover scholarship funds from a scholarship student who has dropped out of their course.

Reallocation of Destination Australia scholarship funds

Grantees have the authority to reallocate any future money associated with a former scholarship student who no longer fulfils the criteria to a different scholarship student who does meet the criteria, including starting a new course of study. This may include redistributing scholarship funding among consortium members.

Deadline for the Destination Australia scholarship

The deadline for this scholarship varies by university.


Destination Australia: Round 3 Program Guidelines

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