Every child is different and unique in their own way, so deciding whether or not homeschooling is right for your children should solely be based on your desire to provide the best possible education for them while also keeping them safe and happy. Some parents will want to homeschool their children for various reasons, but whatever your motivations are, you should consider the following factors and double-check your plans and decisions before making them.
Before making your decision, consider and understand the following main factors…
Considers the financial situation.
There are many financial factors to consider when it comes to homeschooling, which can cost a family anywhere from $200 to $1,000 per year. Homeschooling a child or children means that as a parent your presence will be needed at home all the time, and this would not be perfect for a parent who works full-time job.
So is best to determine if your family can survive on one income alone if you live in a two-parent household; if you are a single parent, check if you can support your family by working part-time or reconsider homeschooling as an option
Optionally, you should consider the amount you will saving by homeschooling your children, such as not to paying for private school fees or transportation costs to get your child to school every day.
Take into account the size of your family.
Before deciding whether or not homeschooling is right for your children, consider the size of your family. Large families can find home education challenging, since it necessitates prioritization of subjects learned and age groups targeted. Some subjects would almost certainly have to be mixed, and children with significant age differences will have to be divided at various points.
Try planning a hypothetical school day to see how you can cover any of your children’s lesson plans while still ensuring that they are all supervised, amused, and properly cared for (e.g. completing lessons on fractions and spelling with a 6-year-old child, as well as lessons on geometry and the solar system with a 11-year-old child.)
The point is try to figure out if you can handle some of lesion on subjects that your child needs.
Consider your homeschooling objectives.
When deciding whether or not to homeschool your kids, think about what you want to get out of it. Make a list of goals you want to accomplish for your child in the first year of homeschooling.
Any of these objectives may be:
- Grades that meet or exceed state criteria
- Adjusting to your child’s preferred learning method
- As a family, we’re becoming closer.
- Holding school days under control
Take into account any special requirements or health issues.
Homeschooling could be the best choice for he or she has health issues or special needs.
Your child may thrive in a safe, peaceful, and healing environment if he or she learns at home. Additionally, there would be considerably less exposure to colds and viruses that are commonly transmitted among students in classrooms; this is especially important for sick children who are particularly susceptible, but it is also worth considering for the wellbeing of any child.
Identify your own strength and drawbacks.
Taking on the task of educating your child necessitates an assessment of your own strengths and weaknesses, as well as a determination of which subjects you will need assistance with teaching. Make a list of subjects in which you don’t have much experience or in which you failed as a student. Consult your wife, family, parents, a homeschooling co-op, or tutors for assistance.
Consider taking online courses to complement your homeschooling program with expert instruction in the subjects on your list.
Examine your child’s learning preferences.
If you’re considering homeschooling, consider how your child learns best – and, most importantly, whether or not they struggle in a conventional school setting. Homeschooling helps parents to personalize lessons based on their child’s preferred learning style. Determine which of these three basic learning styles best suits your child based on input from his or her teachers or your own observations.
- Hearing is a method of learning.
- Earning by visually organizing information is known as visual learning.
- Hands-on learning is referred to as kinesthetic learning.
Consider your child’s social behavior.

Before deciding on homeschooling, consider your child’s social habits. Homeschooling may not be the best choice for them if they are highly social and need to be around other children their age; however, if they avoid social situations or encounter bullying and harassment at school, homeschooling may be a good fit for them. Ask your child about their peers and get a sense of their social habits; if your child is in a conventional school, ask teachers for insight into how they communicate with other students.
Realize that if an attempt is made to concentrate on social skills, homeschooled children will achieve a degree of socialization similar to what they would have in a conventional school.
Be ready for any concerns your child might have.
Since they promote critical thought, questions are an integral part of learning. The majority of the time, it is your child’s questions that foster learning, not thought-stopping responses. Prepare to follow your child’s particular train of thought and learning method by studying topics ahead of time or finding accurate, easily accessible online references to make sure you’re guiding them in the right direction.
To answer your child’s questions about specific subjects or to direct their thinking, bookmark reputable websites.
Discuss the issue with your child.

Talk to your child about the issue.
It’s crucial to talk to your child about their feelings about homeschooling before making any decisions. Make sure your child understands what home education entails, as well as what they may like and hate about it. Remind them that their feelings are very important. Forcing a child to be homeschooled against his or her would likely result in low academic results and strain on the parent-child relationship.
Remember your top priority is your child so to get truthful answers, be frank and ask your child questions like, “Would you like to learn your lessons with me at home instead of going to school during the week?”
Make sure you’re familiar with the law.
Look up the laws in your state before making a decision on homeschooling. Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states, but some may require you to detail the program you want to teach or include evidence of your own educational credentials, so make sure you understand the rules in your state and country.
Consider your options for a program.
One of the most appealing aspects of homeschooling is the opportunity to create a customized curriculum for your child, but for some, this task may be daunting. Pre-made curriculums are also available, which are suitable for those new to homeschooling since they are easy to follow, build a learning schedule, and allow for clear record-keeping. Start with a free pre-packaged software, which can be found online in a variety of formats.
Visit any online free web service that provides online tools for homeschooling.
You will discuss what your child enjoys learning about and what they’d like to learn more about with them. This will assist you in developing a program that will keep them interested.
Look for homeschooling cooperatives in your area.
Cooperatives of families who homeschool their children are known as homeschooling cooperatives. Families may separate responsibilities for teaching and activity planning based on interests, expertise, availability, and resources. Look online for local homeschooling cooperatives; as the popularity of homeschooling grows, so does the number of support groups and services available.
Enquire about their extracurricular activities
Extracurricular activities can also provide social opportunities and friendships for homeschooled children, as well as physical activity, team participation, and leadership qualities. They can also give your child an advantage when applying to colleges. Make inquiries about lessons, courses, or recreational groups that are available at recreation centers, churches, or local volunteer groups. Allow your kids to select an activity that correlates to their best interest.
Some of these social activities may include
- music lessons
- team sports (e.g. soccer, basketball, tennis, baseball etc.)
- 3Dance lessons
- Find out about state-specific laws and local homeschooling cooperatives by doing some research online.
- Consider your family’s circumstances, including your financial situation, the number of children you have, and any potential health problems or special needs. Getting a basic understanding of all of this will help you determine whether it is a good deal for your children.
- “Every child is different,” so think about whether your child’s learning style and social behaviors are conducive to home education.
- The whole idea is to make the best decision for your child so as for them to be happy, so before making a decision, talk to your child about the situation and make sure they are happy with the concept of homeschooling.