All Motivational Dwayne Johnson Quotes (The Rock)

Aside being an actor, businessman, and a former professional wrestler, there’s no doubt Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s quotes has been motivational for so many.

Dwayne Douglas Johnson, also known by his ring name The Rock, is also an entrepreneur widely regarded as one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time. Dwayne Johnson he wrestled for WWE for eight years prior to pursuing an acting career. His films have grossed over $3.5 billion in North America and over $10.5 billion worldwide, making him one of the world’s highest-grossing and highest-paid actors.

Dwayne’s been featured on fitness magazine covers and blogs all over the world. In fact, there are tons of expensive paintings of him in gyms across the world, showing just how much other bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts look up to him.

Dwayne Johnson Motivational Quotes
Dwayne Johnson Motivational Quotes.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has some pretty inspiring quotes. This article is dedicated to showcasing the best of all his motivational quotes we can lay hands on. Check them out below.

List of the Best Motivational Dwayne Johnson Quotes

1. “Think back 5 years ago, think of where you’re at today, think ahead 5 years and what you want to accomplish. Be unstoppable.” – Dwayne Johnson quote.

2. “One of the most important things you can accomplish is just being yourself.” – Dwayne Johnson quote.

3. “Be the person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning the devil says, ‘awe shit, they’re up’.” – Dwayne Johnson quote

4. “All success begins with self-discipline. It starts with you.” – Dwayne Johnson quote

5. “When you walk up to opportunity’s door, don’t knock it… kick that bitch in, smile and introduce yourself.” – Dwayne Johnson quote

6. “Blood, sweat and respect. The first two you give. The last one you earn.” – Dwayne Johnson quote

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7. “Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work gains success. Greatness will come.” – Dwayne Johnson quote

8. “If something stands between you and your success, move it. Never be denied.” – Dwayne Johnson quote

9. “Be humble. Be Hungry. And always be the hardest worker in the room.” – Dwayne Johnson quote

10. “You don’t need directions. Just point yourself to the top and go!” – Dwayne Johnson quote

–Top 10 Dwayne Johnson quotes–

11. “Success isn’t overnight. It’s when everyday you get a little better than the day before. It all adds up.” – Dwayne Johnson quote

12. “I like to use the hard times in the past to motivate me today.” – Dwayne Johnson

13. “The first step in achieving your goal, is to take a minute to respect your goal, know what it means to you to achieve it.” – Dwayne Johnson

14. “In 1995 I had $7 bucks in my pocket and knew two things: I’m broke as hell and one day I won’t be. You can achieve anything.” – Dwayne Johnson

15. “When life puts you in touch situations, don’t say ‘why me?’ just say ‘Try me’.” – Dwayne Johnson

16. “We do today what they won’t so tomorrow we can accomplish what they can’t.” – Dwayne Johnson

17. “Don’t be afraid to be ambitious about your goals. Hard work never stops. Neither should your dreams.” – Dwayne Johnson

18. “Success at anything will always come down to this: Focus and effort. And we control both.” – Dwayne Johnson

19. “You don’t just find the willpower you need. You create it.” – Dwayne Johnson

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20. “With drive and a bit of talent you can move mountains.” – Dwayne Johnson

–Top 20 Dwayne Johnson quotes–

21. “Wake up determined, go to bed satisfied.” – Dwayne Johnson

22. “Not only do I think being nice and kind is easy, but being kind, in my opinion is important.” – Dwayne Johnson

23. “The wall! Your success is on the other side. Can’t jump over it or go around it. You know what to do.” – Dwayne Johnson

24. “I grew up in a musical family; the majority of my growing up was done in Hawaii. It’s what we do. You sing, you dance, you play ukulele and you drink.” – Dwayne Johnson

25. “I want someone who can trust that my big hands are going to take care of them.” – Dwayne Johnson

26. “I like the idea of working in different genres and transcending genres and hopefully finding success, and ultimately make movies people like.” – Dwayne Johnson

27. “I’m very low-key. I don’t really blend in, so it’s difficult to go out in public. I like to do things that are kind of quiet, whether it’s a dinner at my house or a restaurant, or a movie night at home.” – Dwayne Johnson

28. “Training for me is a metaphor for life, period. The dedication, the determination, the desire, the work ethic, the great successes and the great failures – I take that into life.” – Dwayne Johnson

29. “Let your actions do your talking for you.” – Dwayne Johnson

30. “I grew up where, when a door closed, a window didn’t open. The only thing I had was cracks. I’d do everything to get through those cracks – scratch, claw, bite, push, bleed. Now the opportunity is here. The door is wide open, and it’s as big as a garage.” – Dwayne Johnson

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–Top 30 Dwayne Johnson quotes–

31. “It’s not about the car your drive. It’s about the size of your arm hanging out of the window.” – Dwayne Johnson

32. “I like to use the hard times of the past to motivate me today.” – Dwayne Johnson

33. “You either play the game or let the game play you.” – Dwayne Johnson

34. “Keep calm and shut your mouth.” – Dwayne Johnson

35. “Two things happen when an athlete gets injured. Some guys say; ‘F*** it, I’m going to wait it out 3-4 months.’ But with me and lots of other athletes, you find your eighth or ninth gear – a gear you’ve never gone to before – and say, ‘I’m going to come back.’” – Dwayne Johnson

36. “My philosophy is, it’s always very rewarding when you can make an audience laugh. I don’t mind making fun of myself. I like self-deprecating comedy. But I’d like you to laugh with me occasionally, too.” – Dwayne Johnson

37. “Grind Hard, Shine Hard.” – Dwayne Johnson

38. “Just bring it!” – Dwayne Johnson

39. “It’s you vs. you.” – Dwayne Johnson

40. “It’s simple. Do it.” – Dwayne Johnson

I believe you’re inspired by some of this motivational Dwayne Johnson quotes.

Do you know that Dwayne Johnson Net Worth 2025 is $800 million? That net worth includes what we believe is The Rock’s 30-40% stake in Teremana Tequila and a current $2 billion conservative estimate valuation of the brand.

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