AICPA Legacy Scholarships for Accounting Students

The AICPA Legacy Scholarship program helps students from various backgrounds pursue careers as certified public accountants by covering the cost of their undergraduate education. The program offers possibilities for professional and intellectual growth to scholars all year round. The prerequisites for each scholarship are listed below. Please note that in order to be considered for all of the scholarships you qualify for, you only need to apply for one of them.

AICPA Legacy Scholarships for Accounting Students

1. AICPA Scholarship for Minority Accounting Students

You might want to think about submitting an application for the AICPA Scholarship for Minority Accounting Students! Students in college and graduate school who identify as members of underrepresented racial or ethnic groups and have finished at least 30 hours of college coursework are eligible for this scholarship. This initiative has given over $14 million in funding to over 8,000 accountants of underrepresented identities and is supported by the American Institute of CPAs, the biggest member association in the world that represents the accounting profession. Individual scholarships of up to $5,000 are given to recipients each academic year; scholarship funds may only be used to cover costs directly related to pursuing an accounting degree. We urge you to apply if you’re a minority student who loves accounting!

The AICPA Scholarship for Minority Accounting Students is an integral part of the AICPA Legacy Program. One application must be submitted by students who wish to be considered for multiple AICPA Legacy Scholarships, as they will be considered for all awards for which they are qualified under the program. For consideration, all applications must be completed and delivered by the deadline.

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This scholarship offers money to deserving minority students to support their pursuit of accounting as a major and eventual entry into the field.

2. AICPA Foundation Scholarship for Future CPAs

This scholarship offers funding to deserving students to support their pursuit of accounting as a major and eventual entry into the field.

Scholarship funds are disbursed directly to the student’s financial aid office to cover tuition and other costs directly associated with earning a degree. Past winners are not eligible to reapply for this prize, which is non-renewable. The purpose of this scholarship is to aid undergraduate or graduate students who want to pursue their CPA licensure after graduation.

3. AWSCPA Scholarship Award

The AICPA Legacy Scholarships include the AWSCPA Scholarship Award. Students interested in applying for several AICPA Legacy Scholarships just need to submit one application; they will be considered for any awards for which they qualify under the program. To be taken into consideration, all applications must be finished and submitted before the deadline.

Outstanding female students majoring in accounting or a field closely related to accounting are given financial support through this prize. The AWSCPA Scholarship Award is sponsored by the AICPA Foundation, the Women’s Initiatives Executive Committee, and its AWSCPA task group to encourage women to succeed in the accounting industry.

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Outstanding female undergraduate or graduate accounting or accounting-related students are given financial support through this prize.

Scholarship funds are disbursed directly to the student’s financial aid office to cover tuition and other costs directly associated with earning a degree. Past winners are not eligible to reapply for this prize, which is non-renewable.

4. AICPA John L. Carey Scholarship Award

This scholarship program offers financial support to undergraduates with degrees in the liberal arts and non-business fields who are pursuing graduate study in accounting and CPA licensure. Candidates must be citizens or legal permanent residents of the United States and enrolled full-time as graduate students.

The award offers financial support to holders of degrees in the liberal arts and non-business fields who are pursuing graduate accounting studies and CPA licensing. These prizes are meant to inspire students with little or no prior accounting training to think about careers in the field.

Scholarship funds are disbursed directly to the student’s financial aid office to cover tuition and other costs directly associated with earning a degree. Past winners are not eligible to reapply for this prize, which is non-renewable.

5. AICPA Foundation Two-year Transfer Scholarship Award

AICPA Foundation Two-year Transfer Scholarship Award is also one of the AICPA Legacy Scholarships. Students who want to transfer from a two-year college to a four-year university to finish their degree in accounting or a field closely linked to accounting are eligible for this scholarship award. Candidates must be citizens or legal permanent residents of the United States and have a GPA of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale).

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The scholarship offers financial aid to students who want to complete their degrees in accounting or similar fields by transferring from a two-year college to a four-year university.

Scholarship funds are disbursed directly to the student’s financial aid office to cover tuition and other costs directly associated with earning a degree. Past winners are not eligible to reapply for this prize, which is non-renewable.

In order to honor the various routes students take to become CPA practitioners, the AICPA Foundation Two-Year Transfer Prize was created in 2013. The AICPA Foundation is responsible for funding this honor.


What is the AICPA Legacy scholarship?

The AICPA Legacy Scholars program helps students from various backgrounds pursue careers as certified public accountants by covering the cost of their undergraduate education. The program offers possibilities for professional and intellectual growth to scholars all year round.

Is AICPA free for students?

You may access tools and information that will allow you to make the most of your college years by becoming an AICPA Student Affiliate Member, which is completely free.

How difficult is AICPA?

It is regarded as one of the toughest tests to pass to get a standardized professional credential. Those who may eventually need to take the CPA test should use all resources available to them to offer them an advantage when the national pass rate is roughly one in two.

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