10 Best Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses for Beginners

Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses: I am sitting here on in my bed asking myself what are the best free online Artificial Intelligence courses for beginners? I understand there is an increasing need for artificial intelligence or some would rather say Machine Learning. Most people cannot afford to go to college or get college scholarships so they follow the route of free online Artificial Intelligence courses. Nonetheless, what is this thing called Artificial Intelligence and why Artificial Intelligence? In this blog post, I will be giving my view of artificial intelligence and review of the best free online Artificial Intelligence courses for beginners.

Artificial intelligence is the concept and creation of computer systems that are able to carry out activities that would typically require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, visual perception, decision-making, and language translation. Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that is rapidly taking over in the IT world. The main drawback of describing AI as merely “creating machines that are intelligent” is that it fails to define AI and explain what constitutes an intelligent machine. Although there are many different approaches to the interdisciplinary science of artificial intelligence (AI), advances in machine learning and deep learning are causing a paradigm change in almost every area of the tech industry.

Artificial intelligence improves the efficiency, effectiveness, and speed of human endeavours. AI approaches can be applied in financial institutions to identify transactions that are most likely to be fraudulent, implement quick and precise credit scoring, and automate labour-intensive data management chores.

The powers of the human mind can be modelled and even improved upon by machines thanks to artificial intelligence. AI is becoming more and more prevalent in daily life, from the emergence of self-driving cars to the proliferation of smart assistants like Siri, Google Assistant and Alexa. As a result, numerous IT firms from a variety of sectors are making investments in artificial intelligence technologies.

Importance of Artificial Intelligence

Existing products gain intelligence thanks to AI. AI capabilities will be added to many of the items you already use, many ways Siri was brought as a feature to a new generation of Apple products. Large volumes of data can be used with automation, conversational platforms, bots, and smart machines to advance numerous technologies. Improvements at home and at business include everything from smart cameras and security intelligence to investment analysis.

AI automates data-driven repetitive learning and discovery. AI conducts regular, high-volume, automated tasks instead of automating manual ones. And it does it consistently and without growing weary. Humans are still necessary to set up the system and formulate the proper inquiries, of course.

AI uses neural networks with numerous hidden layers to interpret more and more data. It used to be impossible to create a fraud detection system with five hidden layers. Big data and incredibly powerful computers have transformed everything. Deep learning models require a large amount of data because they derive their knowledge directly from the data.

AI maximizes the use of data. The data itself is a benefit when algorithms are learning for themselves. The data contains the answers. To find them, you simply need to use AI. Data may give you a competitive advantage because its role is more crucial than ever. Even if everyone in a competitive industry uses the same methods, having the best data gives you an advantage.

AI adapts by using algorithms for progressive learning, which allow the data do the programming. Data is organized and regularized by AI so that algorithms can learn. An algorithm can train itself to play chess, just as it can train itself to recommend a product online. When fresh data is provided, the models also adjust.

Deep neural networks enable extraordinary accuracy in AI. Your interactions with Google and Alexa, for instance, are all based on deep learning. And the more you use these things, the more accurate they become. Deep learning and object identification AI techniques are now being applied in the medical industry to more accurately identify cancer on medical photos.

Advantages of Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses

Personalized Learning Environment
With free online Artificial Intelligence courses, you can do your homework from any location, including your living room or kitchen, your office, a coffee shop, etc. Others might choose to watch lectures in a comfortable setting of their choice, while some students simply study better in a traditional classroom format. One of the best things about online learning is that you can still access your coursework no matter where you are, whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure. Additionally, since the pandemic, online education has established itself as a secure choice.

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Various forms of Communication
It is true that you will interact with instructors and students in free online Artificial Intelligence courses using a variety of mediums, including email, video conferencing, and the learning management system for your particular course, to mention a few. You are encouraged to participate in group projects, attend lectures, and ask questions in any way suits you best during an online course.

Development of Time Management Skills
Time management is a crucial ability in many aspects of life. Along with everything else life throws at you, you may juggle your work obligations with your obligations to your family and personal life. You are probably juggling your career and your education as a working person taking any of the free online Artificial Intelligence courses. You must therefore prepare in advance and possibly divide your work into smaller units. A ability that will be useful to you in the long run is time management.

Coursework that is Immediately Applicable
Being able to directly apply your coursework to your full-time job is one of the great advantages of taking free online Artificial Intelligence courses for professionals, especially if you’re upskilling and want to continue in your present field. Your tasks the following day at work may very possibly be related to what you learn from your instructor, classmates, and course materials. You may apply what you’ve learned in the actual world.

The main benefits of AI are as follows:

  • AI reduces the amount of time needed to complete a task. It makes multitasking possible and lightens the demand for available resources.
  • AI makes it possible to complete previously complex jobs without having to spend a lot of money.
  • AI is always active, never stops, and never experiences downtime.
  • AI improves the capabilities of people with disabilities.
  • AI may be used across industries and has large market potential.
  • AI helps in decision-making by accelerating and improving the process.

Requirements for Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses with Certificate

The good news is that no specific degree is necessary to enroll in any of these free online Artificial Intelligence courses with certificates. You will need;

  • a working computer with access to the internet.
  • You’ll need to be familiar with Windows-based applications for several courses.
  • To finish the course, you must practice discipline. Even though some of these free online Artificial Intelligence courses run six months, you must always participate.

Who is an Artificial Intelligence Engineer

Professionals who practice this art are called AI Engineers. AI engineers are problem solvers who create, evaluate, and use various artificial intelligence models. They manage AI infrastructure well. To create meaningful AI models, they use neural network knowledge and machine learning methods.

Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses
Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses

Artificial intelligence engineers are those that employ AI and machine learning methods to create software and systems that can aid businesses in increasing productivity, reducing expenses, boosting profitability, and making better business decisions.

The need for a skilled, knowledgeable artificial intelligence engineer is at an all-time high due to the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in all spheres of the IT business.

Many industries have begun embracing artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning (ML) approaches to obtain better outcomes & revenues, making the development of AI-powered products a promising activity.

Each year, tech behemoths like Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon invest billions of dollars in AI-related goods and services. It appears that the worldwide AI market is expanding enormously, at 154%.

How Long Does it take to become an AI Engineer?

Becoming an AI engineer is quite a journey. You can study at a university and get a degree in Artificial Intelligence or you start with any of the free online Artificial Intelligence courses for beginners discussed here.

Responsibility of AI Engineers

You have to create, test, and deploy AI models as an AI engineer using coding techniques like the random forest, logistic regression, linear regression, and others.

Among the responsibilities are:

  • Create application program interfaces (APIs) for the machine learning models so that other applications can use them.
  • Create AI models from scratch while assisting the various organizational constituents (such as product managers and stakeholders) in understanding the benefits of the model.
  • Create infrastructure for data ingestion and data transformation.
  • Automate the data science team’s infrastructure.
  • Adjust the outcomes of the statistical analysis so that the organization can make more informed judgments.
  • Infrastructure for developing and managing AI products should be set up.
  • Be a good team player since working together with others is essential.

Taking any for the available free online Artificial Intelligence courses will teach you how to execute these roles.

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Salary Ranges for Artificial Intelligence Engineers

The demand for positions in artificial intelligence is incredibly high, and many of them pay well into the six figures. The precise figures will vary depending on a range of variables, including the particular duties of the job, the industry, the experience level, the degree of education, and the region.

However, this is a common range: A research engineer will make about $92,938 annually, according to Indeed, while a machine learning engineer would make about $150,183.

A programmer for artificial intelligence typically earns between $100,000 and $150,000 per year, according to Datamation. Contrarily, the highest-paid AI engineers make over $250,000 per year, with the average salary being $171,715.

According to Datamation, the requirement for advanced degrees and a rare combination of abilities are to blame for these exorbitant prices.

Artificial Intelligence is one of the high demand skills that has free online Artificial Intelligence courses. You can take any of these free online Artificial Intelligence courses and join the league of top 15%.

Why Choose Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses with certificate?

One of the main reasons you should consider taking the top free online Artificial Intelligence courses with a degree is that it is now evident that students learn more online than they do in traditional offline courses. You normally have total control over your education when taking online classes. As a result, you are able to work on your tasks at your own leisure.

These free online Artificial Intelligence courses are also cost-free, and they can help you advance in your profession as an AI engineer.

You also frequently work more swiftly and remember more information than you would otherwise. The truth is that studying for your dream job from the comfort of your bed could not possibly be more gratifying.

10 Best Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses for Beginners

The following are free online Artificial Intelligence Courses

1. Columbia University – Machine Learning

First on our list of free online Artificial Intelligence Courses is Machine Learning by Columbia University. You can access this course entirely for free online, with the option to pay for certification if you want it.

This free artificial intelligence course online free with certificate offers to educate students on how to use supervised and unsupervised learning, as well as probabilistic and non-probabilistic approaches, to solve real-world issues.

You should budget eight to ten hours per week for the readings and assignments to get the most out of the course; however, because this is a free Ivy League education, you wouldn’t expect it to be simple.

It is made available through the nonprofit edX online course provider, which makes it a component of the nano degree in artificial intelligence.

2. Udacity – AI Fundamentals

This is one of the free online Artificial Intelligence Courses that will teach you the basics of artificial intelligence in a way that is suitable for beginners. You will learn the fundamentals of AI and machine learning as well as essential AI and machine learning topics in this course.

Next, you’ll discover how to utilize Azure Cognitive Services to handle important computer vision workloads like object detection, picture classification, face detection, text analysis, and form processing. You’ll also learn how to train and assess models using Azure Machine Learning.

This course will also teach you how to translate text and speech between languages, evaluate text and speech for intent, and learn natural language processing.

You will be able to create a Conversational AI by the end of this course.

3. Google – Machine Learning

Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses
Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses

This Google AI course, which is a little more in-depth and one of my favourite free online Artificial Intelligence courses, is available for everyone interested. The creation of self-teaching systems that can learn from huge, complicated datasets is emphasized, with a particular emphasis on deep learning.

This google artificial intelligence course online free with certificate is designed for those who want to use machine learning and neural network technology in their careers as data analysts, data scientists, or machine learning engineers. It is also intended for enterprising people who want to utilize the wealth of open source libraries and resources available.

4. Udacity – Artificial Intelligence by Georgia Tech

Another free course that teaches the basics of artificial intelligence and provides in-depth analysis of key ideas such as classical search, probability, machine learning, logic, and planning.

You will learn how to use artificial intelligence algorithms in this course to solve a variety of real-world issues, such as game play, navigation, sign language understanding, etc.

5. Nvidia – Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Computer Vision

Computer vision is the AI sub-discipline of constructing computers which can “see” by processing visual input in the same way our brains do.

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It onr of the best artificial intelligence course that covers the technological principles as well as how to spot circumstances or issues that could benefit from the use of machines that can recognize objects and classify images.

Nvidia is a producer of graphics processing units (GPUs), so it should come as no surprise that it addresses the crucial role that these potent graphical engines—which were previously primarily intended for displaying cutting-edge images—have played in the widespread emergence of computer vision applications.

Although you can take the course at your own pace and the final assessment comprises developing and deploying a neural network application, you should plan to devote about eight hours to it.

6. Udacity – Intro to Machine Learning

On Udacity, there is a free introductory machine learning course. You will master all the fundamentals of machine learning in this course. No prior knowledge is necessary to engage in this free course. This course is open to beginners of all levels.

Not sure where to begin with machine learning yet interested? Join Udacity for this nano degree preview in machine learning. You will be given an introduction to fundamental topics.

7. Stanford University – Machine Learning

Andrew Ng, who founded Google Brain, Google’s deep learning research division, and who also serves as the head of AI for Baidu, is the instructor for this Coursera course.

The entire course is accessible for free, but there is also the opportunity to pay for certification, which could be helpful if you intend to utilize your knowledge of AI to advance your professional chances.

The course includes a tutorial on Matlab, one of the most popular programming languages for probability-based AI tools, and covers a range of real-world machine learning implementations, including speech recognition and improving web search. It also delves deeply into statistics topics like linear regression and the backpropagation techniques used by neural networks to “learn” new skills.

8. MIT – Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars

As with the course above, MIT takes the approach of using one major real-world aspect of AI as a jumping-off point to explore the specific technologies involved.

The self-driving cars which are widely expected to become a part of our everyday lives rely on AI to make sense of all of the data hitting the vehicle’s array of sensors and safely navigate the roads. This involves teaching machines to interpret data from those sensors just as our own brains interpret signals from our eyes, ears and touch.

It covers the use of the MIT DeepTraffic simulator, which challenges students to teach a simulated car to drive as fast as possible along a busy road without colliding with other road users.

This is a course taught at the bricks ‘n’ mortar university for the first time last year, and all of the materials including lecture videos and exercises are available online – however, you won’t be able to gain certification.

9. Udacity – Intro to TensorFlow for Deep Learning

free online Artificial Intelligence courses
Free Online Artificial Intelligence Courses

On Udacity, this is another of the free online Artificial Intelligence courses. With the help of TensorFlow, you will learn how to create deep learning applications in this udacity free ai course. You will create your own cutting-edge image classifiers and other deep learning models in this course and have the opportunity to work on projects.

Additionally, you will learn sophisticated deep learning methods and algorithms. However, you should be familiar with Python programming and linear algebra.

10. Udacity – Intro to Artificial Intelligence

You can access this course for free on Kaggle. This course consists of 4 lessons. You will learn how to create your own artificially intelligent bots in the first lesson. Then you will discover how to create game AI using conventional ways.

You will discover in the final lesson how reinforcement learning may be used to create intelligent agents devoid of heuristics. By comparing your agents against those produced by other users, you can also assess how well they work. I loved this one as it is one of my favourite free online Artificial Intelligence Courses.


I hope you now have a better understanding of artificial intelligence and the free online artificial intelligence courses needed to secure this career, which is 2025‘s sought-after profile of its kind. How do you like my article about AI? Comment below and let me know! Don’t forget to check back here often for more educational articles!

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